[01] Fake

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As he walked the hall to his new dorm, Namjoon began to realize how much he would dislike his time in this new school. Almost every monster he passed tried to speak with him or even touch him as if he were some celebrity, he despised being treated as such. Relief washed over him after finally making it to his dorm. With a sigh, he let his guard down, but only for a moment.

"You better take your shoes off at the door! I won't tolerate dirt being tracked into our dorm!" A voice called out from somewhere else in the dorm. Great, a dormmate. Just what Namjoon needed. He complied to the voice and took off his shoes, then tested his luck and walked towards one of the rooms. He smiled to himself when he found the room to be empty, meaning the other small bedroom most likely held his dormmate. With a sigh, he began unpacking. He jumped when the voice rang out from his doorway.

"Y'know, it's easier just to use magic." The stranger chuckled, snapping his fingers with a smile on his face. Namjoon's belongings disappeared for a moment only to reappear where they belonged and neatly put away. "Kim Seokjin, and you're Namjoon. Our family rivalry doesn't matter to me, so no need to worry about me antagonizing your bloodline." He shrugged before holding his hand out to Namjoon with a smile.

Namjoon stared at the other's hand for a moment before standing up and smacking it away. He didn't hesitate to shove Seokjin out of the room and close the door. Being mean or rude to Seokjin didn't matter much to Namjoon, but he knew he'd hear from his father if he got close to the other witch. He sighed and laid on his bed with a frown. So far, his school year was pretty shit and the chances of him making it through the day alone without smacking someone was low.

As he laid in a thick silence of his own creation, he began to wonder why his father's teachings mattered to him now. Namjoon was alone in the dorm, it's not like a maid could go snitch on him. With a sigh, he got up and walked out of his room to find Seokjin in the kitchen. This was his chance to make a better impression of himself.

"Hey, I'm sorry about-" Second chance, ruined.

Namjoon seemed to trip over nothing, not having a chance to recover before he fell on top of Seokjin with a solid thud. With a small groan, he sat up only to see Seokjin under him staring with wide eyes.

"Well..This isn't exactly where I saw myself on my first day of college." Seokjin chuckled awkwardly, trying to lessen the thick atmosphere around the two. The younger witch smiled a little before he quickly got off of Seokjin and helped him up.

"I'm..really sorry. I'm not sure what I even..oh." Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh when he saw a black cat sitting in the doorway where he tripped.

"Yuo!" Seokjin gasped before picking the cat up. "I thought you were better than this young man." He scolded the cat as if it were a child, then looked to Namjoon. "I'm sorry, Yuo is my familiar. He usually hides out somewhere."

"It's fine, no harm done." Namjoon hummed, having a small stare down with the cat. He looked away first and mentally cursed over it. "I'll just..head back to my dorm." He gave a small wave before he turned on his heel and walked to his room.

Only the first day and he was ready to go home.

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