[02] Old Friends

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old friends


Run until your lungs burst.
Run as your pack taught you.
Run or else it'll find you.

Taehyung woke up with a gasp, panting and breathing hard as he frantically looked around the room, his ears swiveling to hear any intruders. But he was alone. The boy cursed and ran a hand through his hair. Another damn nightmare...

He tried his best to fall back asleep but it couldn't be helped, he was wide awake now. The wind howled outside the small home, it would most likely rain. Taehyung walked out to his kitchen to get food but he smiled at the pleasant surprise of his grandmother already being awake and preparing tea.

"Ma~ You're up early." The boy yawned as he walked into the room to try and help the older woman.

"I'm always up early, pup. You just sleep in." The woman laughed. "But I had to get up extra early to make sure you had something to eat before you left."

Taehyung pursed his lips and nodded a little, the thought of leaving his grandmother just because he was selected to go to some stupid school always made him question things. He hadn't really been given a choice as to whether he could or couldn't go. He was just told to prepare for the day and leave everything behind.

Taehyung wasn't the first omega boy to be sent away as if he were nothing. Something about it making the pack seem weak. The thought annoyed Taehyung but he lived with it, knowing better than to go against his pack leaders.

"Taehyung? Are you alright, you're quiet." His grandmother frowned a little, cupping Taehyung's cheek in her warm hand.

"I'm alright, just tired and not looking forward to the trip to school.." Taehyung smiled a little at his grandmother before she kissed his forehead.

"You'll do fine my little pup. You were chosen for a reason." The woman reassured before she turned back to the tea, pouring a glass and giving it to Taehyung. "Drink up, it'll give you energy for the day.

Taehyung sighed and nodded before downing the drink and setting the cup down. "Thank you Ma...I'll write to you as often as I can."

"I know you will. Just go before you're late." She chuckled, kissing Taehyung's cheek. 

Taehyung sighed and nodded, turning to leave the house only to frown when it started to rain. "This is going to be a long run.." He sighed, shaking his head as he shifted. His body contorted and became that of a dog. Unfortunately, smaller than all his other friends, but still faster than just running on foot. He looked more like a Pomeranian than a wolf, but his grandmother always said that his father was a 'late bloomer' as well.

Taehyung has begun to believe less and less that there is some other sort of form to him, but he didn't dare say that to her face. He took one last glance back at his childhood home before reluctantly running off into the woods.


The small dog panted as he ran, seeing gates in the distance and letting out a small sigh of relief as he shifted back to his human form. His tail and ears remained as they usually did, but he figured it made him look less like an actual human, so it didn't bother him. Taehyung was soaked from head to toe and breathed heavily as he walked into the gates and onto the grounds of Bangarde.

"Tae!" Someone called out, making the werewolf's head swivel to the sound. Although he smiled when he saw a familiar face.

"Chim!" Taehyung called back before rushing over to the other and hugging him, tail wagging excitedly. "You still smell like fish." He teased.

"And you smell like wet dog." The siren scoffed, lightly hitting Taehyung's arm. "But I wasn't going to bring it up until you attacked me." He crossed his arms.

"I didn't know you were so easily offended Jimin." Taehyung laughed as they started walking towards the dorms.

"I'm not, but I have to give you a hard time." Jimin shrugged.

Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head as they walked. The two old friends catching up and chatting as if they'd never even been apart. The two eventually came up to a small table ran by a witch.

"Name?" She asked, clearly annoyed with her job.

"Park Jimin, siren. But you should know that." Jimin winked, but the witch didn't seem to care.

"Siren dorm is down the hall to the right, you're situated in the Pacific section." The woman sighed before looking at Taehyung, sneering before speaking, "Name?"

"Kim Taehyung.. um... Werewolf.." Taehyung muttered, pursing his lips as he looked at the witch who rolled her eyes and looked down at her papers.

"You'll be roomed with Jeon Jungkook, a vampire and-"

"Excuse me? A vampire?" Taehyung interrupted, raising an eyebrow at the witch. "What happened to same species dorming?" 

"You'll live." The witch rolled her eyes. Taehyung opened his mouth to argue but the witch snapped and his voice just wouldn't come out. "You're lucky I'm only allowed to do certain spells on you, mutt." She muttered coldly before gesturing down the hall for the wolf to walk.

Taehyung glared at her before storming off to his dorm with Jimin hot on his heels.

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