Shadow/Sonic Who will it be Amy?

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Shadow:Rose your home.shadow?yes rose?what would you do if you couldn't choose between which two girls to go with?well....I would let my heart lead me to the right one...thanks shadow!I love you...and I'll be right back.where are you going? to central square.see Ya!bye rose!(central square)Ames?! yes soniku? well I have bad news and good news which one you wanna hear first?I guess good.well I've finally chosen who I want to be with.the bad news is its's ok soniku I was gonna tell you that my heart has led me to shadow. I found out the reason I wanted's because of lust it was never love I'm sorry sonic if it makes you feel bad because I am with shadow now and my heart belongs to one person and that is shadow the hedgehog.YOU CANT GO WITH SHADOW!HES KILLED PEOPLE!he has changed sonic unlike you.....(TOTAL BURN AMY!)but....there is no butts about it Sonic and if you don't like it,then it's too bad.Maybe if you hadn't broken my heart and cheated on me so many times I would go with you!but let me just say thank you for not wanting me because now I have found someone better than you....Fine then...goodbye Ames. Good ridence!Also eggman  was right are an annoying pest.(another burn!)(back at Amy's house)(shadow is playing video games)so how your day go rose?Just fine.....

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