guys I promise

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guys/ girls I promise u I'll get the next chapter done before February 8,2015.which is the time walking dead comes back.I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys I cried so much when Beth died it also really pissed me off cuz Daryl and Beth never got to see each other again just becuz Beth JUST HAD TO STAB JOANE IN THE SHOULDER. BUT ANYWAY ON TO SOMETHING ELSE. I love you guys and I appreciate all the comments,votes,and views.I know some you guys can't vote or comment but i still respect that.cuz guess WAT I can't do either of those things, lol. man I talk more about my life then my story darn I'm a sucky author.well the more you try the better you get I guess. ALSO TO ALL MY FANS FOR THIS BOOK I SAY "HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!" I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I HOPE YOU LOVE THIS STORY AS MUCH AS I DO! PEACE OUT PEEPS!

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