Chapter 7: Incident in Future

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WAR laboratories

"Its gone!" shouted Stuart. "It just vanished with a supreme light and now nothing but emptiness." he added. "I was here all the time, I promise."

"Ah, its not the problem, I think we have accomplished. but the shock wave that was created when the portal was closed must have been felt." Jefferson cleared the scenario.

"God, What if we'd lost it? All our struggle and hard work would go in vain!" Said a scientist.

"No its not, have faith!" said Jeff. "But.. I couldn't understand, why is it not near to us?" He added "Now a problem is to locate the sight of incident. And we already are short on time."

"So, are you now going to tell me about that portal stuff already?" asked Stuart.

"Yes son of course, it was the rift between space time. A field we created to invoke artificial anti gravity and the substance that fuel this was antimatter. Antimatter and Matter annihilation process only provides this kind of energy. On which we were working from a long time." Jefferson Explained,

"I think we are close to the result we were expecting." He added.

Stuart was a newbie. and couldn't make up all those extra quantum mechanics. So he ended up agreeing with all. He nodded as the Jefferson said and Begin to look on the records he was provided.

The work done in laboratories were not only scientific research but they also investigate and plan their strategies. They were the main intelligence of the non govt corporation. They were the man of Knowledge. They pretty much sums up their strategies. And their motives.

In past few days WAR has been having some issues regarding many different stuff.Like, Lack of resources. Non excess of soldiers. No proper basses in other allianced countries. And their missing members. Including some main personnel.

WAR was having hard time surviving these days, they were becoming hopeless day by day. And the Govt was getting stronger.

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