Goodbye : 1

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Dear Jay,

Your an amazing person and i'm glad I met you. It's only been about a month since we first met but for some reason i feel like i knew you forever. It's like we instantly connected in some weird way. Your a great person and you've been there for me when i needed you and i love you for that. No actually i love you for who you are because you a fucking amazing. I even love your bipolar moments because that's what makes you , you and i don't want you to change.

You are really beautiful Jay and I will be honest with you I did have a crush on you and I know I told you before but I didn't want to jump right in and tell you because I knew I was gonna leave soon and I didn't want to leave like that. This was bound to happen sometime. I just didn't know when So I guess i'm writing this letter to you to say thanks for everything for saving me when I wanted to attempt suicide or when Aaron wanted to. For replacing Aaron when Bri needed a sister, for listening to my problems when I had no one to talk to . I'm even gonna thank you for the arguments that we had because that's what sort of made us closer . I know we aren't close like you and Alex or anyone else but we still have a connection. A connection that I will cherish forever . Did I tell you I love you ? Well I do I really do .

Honestly if I could take a plane to Nebraska I would because your that special to me. I think we would have a hell of a great time if we grew up together. Also I'm sorry for leaving so fast like that lastnight It's just even though I know you don't be with HIM your still with him and that was really wrong of me to do that even though it didn't happen we both thought about it or atleast I did and I know it was wrong. I didn't want to leave so fast because I do love talking to you. You put a smile on my face even when you don't know it. To be honest I still have that small crush on you but it's nothing I can do about it now because i'm saying goodbye to you. I would have told you in person but it's just I know you probably would have stopped me or thought I was going to commit suicide but I'm not i'm just leaving.

Because friend come and go and i'm that kind of friend. I come to you randomly and I make an awesome impression is I do say so myself and then I feel like I have to go because well this time there is a perfectly good reason why I have to go and I don't want to tell you because if your crying right now it would make you cry even more and I don't want that. I love when you smile even though I have never seen you smile I could imagine it and I bet it's the most beautiful thing in the world. Remember I told you that you shine brighter than the sun. Well now you know why . I know i'm jumping all around in this letter but it's because I'm an emotional wreck *awkward laugh and sob* Well there is a song over there > I know it's probably not the best song I could have chosen but it's the one song that remind me of you the most. You know besides superman by Joe brooks because I am your superman.I will always be your superman and hopefully I'll be the only one you would call that :D Well I know i'm probably writing so much and I'm probably not even making sense but Jay I really do love you and I've said this a lot of times because I Love You and I really don't like saying goodbye so instead I just ramble like i'm doing right now. OK back to the point I actually don't know what was the point. So lets do a role play But before we do that role play I just want to say that you are a strong girl Jay and I love that about you and don't say your not strong because you sit here and stop your friends from doing the most stupid thing they could possibly do and you know what i'm talking about. Keep your head up love

Scene : Your at the airport and you have to say goodbye to someone but your going to try and stall so they can miss their flight but it doesn't work .

Jay : Do you really have to go ?

Justin : Yes it's my time to go .

Jay : But why can't you just stay ?

Justin : Because it doesn't work like that.

Jay : Can you at least tell me whats wrong

Justin : It's easier if I don't because it would be harder to say goodbye

Jay : Just tell me and you can go

Justin : I love you and that's all that matters

Jay : I love you too

* they hug and say they're goodbye and he's gone forever*

You didn't like it did you. I know I didn't like it either but that's just the way it is. I'm sorry it has to be like that but it is.

Goodbye Jay 

 Love :


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