Goodbye: 3

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Dear Bri ,

Gosh I really don't know what to say. When I talk to you I feel like i'm talking to my sister and it's not because you guys almost have the same name. No it's because we have so much fun and if in some weird way my sister could have a long lost ferternal twin i would hope it would be you. Except for the fact that i tried to hook you guys but it didn't work out. Well we still didn't get to do our porno and since this is goodbye I guess I should tell you how it was gonna go. Well I wanted to be a pirate porn star so basically it was just gonna be a porno on a pirate ship xD PRESENTING BRI AND *MOANING SOUNDS* xD

           I remember when you started calling me that because i said it was my stage name. Well bri I'm happy i met you it's been awesome talking to you and thank you so much for saving me yesterday Well was it yesterday i don't even remember well still I want to thank you , because without you i would have probably been sedated and put to sleep maybe they would even put me in a psych ward or something like that. Well I'm always getting off topic so i'm just gonna jump right back on and say I love you Bri I really do your amazing , adorable and beautiful. Did you know that ? Well It's true and you are gonna accept it. I love everything about you your just so amazing and I wish the world could see how amazing you are. You know what i'm gonna find a camera crew and make them follow you around all day xD How creepy would that be. I think it would be really creepy but then again i am creepy.Well i'm not the crazy kind of creepy but you know what i mean. Bri your a one of a kind girl and no one can replace you and you know that your just sooo funny and that's what I love about you. They is nothing anyone can hate on you about.  seriously and if your shaking your head no then here's a pickle jar now do me a favor and take a pickle out and slap yourself with it * gives you pickle jar* Ok back to business I'm saying goodbye to you but i hope it's not forever. You are just to special to say goodbye to forever and if you read jay's and alex's letter and you saw me call them special too it's because all of you are special to me. you were there for me when I was having problems with aaron or not talking to bri and even when I was in the hospital and hating kevin. Your even hear for me now this being the second time i'm in the hospital since I met you. Well I love you sis your the best and I had a whole letter I was going to write to you but you know the girly side come out and when I start to cry and everything leaves my mind. I love Bri and i've said it a lot of times and I'll keep saying it till you smile ... I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. OK Now that i think your smiling I'm gonna leave you with that I love you and goodbye. Bri just promise me that you will smile the greatest smile you can and that you will never change for anyone unless it's in a positive way because people should love you for who you are and not hate you for who your not. Listen to that song over there > it's the song that remind me most of you . 



                                                                                                                                             * Moaning Sounds *

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