Goodbye : 4

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Dear Oompa loompa , 

I love calling you that. Now do me a favor and go look in the mirror and say " MY HAIR IS FUCKING PURPLE HOW FUCKING AWESOME" Then come back and finish reading this. DOOO ITTT !! xD Well hopefully you did it and if you didn't that's ok your hair is still frigging awesome. I know we just met and i hate saying goodbye knowing we didn't get to talk as much as I hope we would but it's goodbye now and soon you'll get to say hello to someone who might remind you of me or something else but hopefully I won't be replaced . I mean who else will get on they're knees and ask you to be his oompa Loompa xD I'm that fucking awesome :D. I think it's adorable that your so short and you have to jump to sit on a counter xD Don't worry i'm not making fun of you your just so frigging cute. Well i'm still gonna marry you because you know well you proposed and I said yes. I'm not gonna leave you haning like that. Even though it's weird because your my purple ompaa loompa MUMMY !! MUMMY !!! xD *puts on bed sheets* BOO ! Well that was fun I hope you laughed because well I love making people laugh :D. It's my favorite hobby and yes it's a frigging hobby because i say it is. Well oompa I can't really say much because we just met but I know that your are an awesome sweet and beautiful girl and everyone in the world would love you if everyone in the world could meet you but that's impossible not even famous people can meet everyone in the world. Well I love you and not in that crazy stalker way but I love you like most people do :D and I hope that you'll get better soon and NEVER CHANGE WOMAN ... Don't do it :D . That song over there > it remind me of you :D




Goodbye ChallengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora