Goodbye : 2

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Dear Alex ,

You probably wondering what the hell is going on or maybe not because you and jay are so close she probably tells you everything. Well anyways I just wanted to say that you are the most amazing guy i ever met. Honestly if we had more guys like you in new york I would probably be a whore. Wait take that as a complement. I know you have a boyfriend and all and if he's reading this tell him not to worry because this is a goodbye letter so i can't really try anything. Ha ha although we did have some pretty weird conversations and I do mean weird. Well I'll cherish those weird conversations for as long as I can and I hope you don't forget me because I still want to get married to you remember ...

Hey I just met you  ,And this is crazy ,But here a ticket Let go to Vegas .. lets go to a chapel and then get married  ,I'll take you home and we can go crazy ;D

It was so cheesy I know but it was just there and in the moment and your the one person I ever wrote that to. We had a lot of cheesy moment but that's because Well actually I don't know why. I guess what i'm trying to do is tell you like i said before I'm glad I met you Alex your are a wonderful guy and also funny and very cute. A lot of bad things happen to the best of people because sometimes karma get's so jealous that someone as sexy as you is having a great fucking time she tries to bring you down . < It you didn't understand that that's OK because I didn't either. Well Alex I love you and I know we only met like last month but I really do love you and you and Jeannette will always have a place in my heart. This letter is out of the blue I know but I'm saying goodbye to everyone and this is the only way I could do it. So just remember me and all the good times we had because i only want to leave good memories none of the bad ones well we really didn't have bad memories because we never argued about anything. I'm getting off topic See I do that when I don't know how to say goodbye . Well I guess we don't have to say goodbye we can say see ya later because we will . You probably have no idea what that means at the moment but you will soon find out . I hope your smiling at this message because I told you i love making you smile even if your face hurts so much from smiling :D. If your not smiling at this letter and all your doing is thinking what the fuck is this guys problem then here's to letter I wrote you like maybe a few weeks ago :D. Well they are gonna go at the end of this message because well I have a few other things to say to you. Well for starters I hope your still keeping that promise :/ and if your not then at least try to because everyone should smile because it gets the world mad that even though people are going through problem they look up at the sky and scream fuck it and smile like a maniac . And that's what I want. Also you have been doing this for a long time and I want you too keep doing it. Number one is keep protecting Jay even though she could probably kill someone that is twice your size >.> is that even possible for someone to be twice your size well seeing how tall you are I don't think it is possible xD The other thing I want you to do is keep being that sexy sweet adorable you. Your amazing and if in some weird way I do comeback hopefully your still the sweet and amazing guy I had a crush on. Just ask bri she can tell you :D

Well here are those letters :D

The first one which was sent to your inbox

Hey babe , Well I started off in your inbox and then i'm going to go to your message board just because I love you :D. Well I already said this but I'm going to say it again your amazing love. Your just so weird and funny but in an adorable way. You make me smile every time I talk to you and I also get boners. It's really weird well I don't know this isn't about me this is about you. Your gorgeous you should be a model love. Like seriously if you were mine I would show you off to the world and say this is my gorgeous husband and he's mine so no one touch him. I know I'm small and all but I would kill for you ,Your just too beautiful and I don't want anyone hurting you in fact no one would ever lay a hand on you unless the had permission from me. I would say no every time :D No one would ever touch you but me . I would make love you to you every night and pleasure you anytime you wanted me to. I'll grow for you . Look at me writing this as if I were trying to win you over or I'm trying to say sorry about something and I'm trying to make it up to you. Well actually I am sorry. I'm sorry I can't hold you or kiss you or cuddle you like you want me to. If I could I would but I can't ,not right now anyways. Well your so cute and sexy I can't even explain it in 2000 words . I know your sleeping right now and I bet your the cutest thing ever when you sleep I would love to watch you sleep . NOT IN A CREEPY WAY , but in that romantic way where you wake up to me kissing you and then we'd take showers together and cuddle on rainy days or Saturday nights and watch scary movies or romance what ever you want to watch. We would take long walks in the park or take walks on the beach like they do in the movies. God Alex you bring out the romantic side in me. Well I pretty much said it all and I guess I can't really write on your message board but I'll do it anyways because I have so much to say to you it might just take me an hour to write this because I am kind of sleepy. < 3

The second one which was posted on your message board .

OK so I failed and took a small nap I'm sorry about that but here's my second letter to you :D. If you haven't read you're inbox first then stop reading this and go to you're inbox now. Don't worry my message will still be here :3 Dear Alex, As I said before you are freaking gorgeous ! You're are so freaking amazing there are no words to describe you. I have no words to say to you because I pretty much said it in your inbox but what I can really say is that I JUSTIN MARTINEZ LOVES YOU ! It's only been a few weeks I know but Hun it feels like years which is really weird but who cares because I don't :D. Well all I do know is I'm glad I met you , You are just to adorable . You're like a little kid but an adorable little kid that you just want to squeeze so tight and never let go.Look at me talking about squeezing little kids I sounds like a pervert right Dx .... Wait don't answer that lol . Well I'm really tired even though I just woke up from a nap but you know I have to get taller than you since I'm only 5'3 and you are like what 6'2 or 6'3 I don't remember your just really tall :D But me likey you're tall sexyness >.> oh lord just thinking about you I got a _____ I guess it's time for a cold shower . *points to it* you see what you do to me (=^_^=) meow xD. Gosh I'm so weird when I'm tired and then I'm crazy when I'm awake . Ok I'm talking about myself again. ALEX !!!!! I LOVE YOU , YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND IF I COULD I WOULD MARRY YOU AND ADOPT KIDS WITH YOU IF YOU WANTED TO! I WOULD WALK AROUND THE ENTIRE WORLD A MILLION TIMES IF YOU ASKED ME TO DO IT. That's how much I love :D. Well good morning love have a great day and I'll try to get on earlier just for you :D I can't say goodnight because you'll be reading this in the morning so good morning sunshine , Get ready to brighten every ones day with your cute adorable sexy as. LOVE YOU'RE FIANCE !!!!!!I probably shouldn't have wrote that but oh well :D I'm too tired to go back and erase that. Well this is goodbye Alex and there's a song over there. It's one that remind me of you hope you like it :/

Love :

Your Fiance

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