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  A storm had descended on over the large city of New York, blowing through the busy streets and roads, underneath the darkened skies

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A storm had descended on over the large city of New York, blowing through the busy streets and roads, underneath the darkened skies. The wind flurried around wildly. Barely anything but the lights from the city could be seen through the hard pouring rain. The massive black stained glass window to the Elizabeth's window slowly sliding open, creaking and whining, letting in the storm. For a moment, it had free reign in the large and open room, sweeping across it and covering the furniture in rain, hitting even the part furthest from the window. The wind was extremely heavy. A disheveled shadow figure crept inside, and the massive window slides closed once more, leaving the room quiet, expect for heavy breathing.

  Lizzie looked up. She thought the window might have opened just then, but she was alone. Well, all beside for her pet familiar, Damon. But he was raven, well, most the time that is, soo.... Maybe he change back? With a sigh, she placed her mother's old faded  leather spellbook down on her bed and walked through the maze that was her room. She tugged on the sleeves of her blood red hoodie as she walked towards the window. An almost sinister chill ran down her spine as there was no sign of Damon or anyone else for that matter. Lizzie frowned. Suddenly, there was a loud shattering noise followed by things in her room getting knocked down. She looked around in a almost panic manner but saw nothing. A dark shadowy figure swept across her room before creeping up behind her and wrapping itself around her.

  " Miss me," purred Hope in her Elizabeth's ear. The older half sister tried shoved the tribrid off her. But it was to no prevail.

  " Get the fuck off me," Snapped Lizzie annoyed. Hope grinned in triumph. She had accomplished whatever mischievous plan she had made. Probably something to do with annoying and scaring her. Lizzie chuckled as she released her older sister. " Can you not, I don't know, sneak into my bedroom and give me a freaking heart attack."

" Nah, that wouldn't be as fun though." Said Hope teasingly. Lizzie rolled her eyes in annoyance and scruffs. She shuffled back towards her bed.  " Oh, C'mon Liz, it was funny."

  " Funny my ass." Deadpanned Lizzie as she glared at Hope. The tribrid rolled her eyes and huffed.

" Josie has better sense of humor than you." Huffed Hope. Lizzie narrowed her eyes at her little sister before full on glaring down at her. She dramatically slammed her mother's spellbook close before pushing herself off her bed yet again. She raised her hand before curling her together and muttering out a string of old Latin words. Hope was suddenly forced out of Elizabeth's bedroom and slammed into the hallway wall. Elizabeth bedroom door then shut behind her.

" Oh my gods!" Came the surprise tone of Hope from behind the wooden oak bedroom door. " Really, c'com! " groaned Hope as she banged as hard as could on the bedroom door. " Elizabeth" called Hope.

" Bite my ass Hope," Yelled Lizzie . She sighed. She just need to be left alone. Alone with the silence and the building tension deep within her bones. Something was happening. Something to do with her soulmates. Something bad; something that had them both really upset that Lizzie could actually feel it deep within and spreading out towards the rest of her body. It was extremely eerie.

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