Who is he?

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The whole day had been absolutely insane. It had once more ended in tears, as Zoe and Rosie had said goodbye to their dad, who had to leave for LA. Even though the girls didn't go, he unfortunately still had to. It had been hard on everybody, but he had accepted Zoe's desicion, which she was so grateful for. Afterwards Zoe invited Jade and Becky for a sleepover. She needed some fun and gossiping about horses, after all the drama today.

They sat in her room eating crisps and drinking sodas laughing at Becky's suggestion about writing a vocabulary with horse words. Zoe smiled, feeling relieved. "What a day huh?" Jade said getting her attention. "Yeah, I can't believe I almost lost Raven", she said and looked down at the floor. "Good thing he got out, or maybe he would have been long gone", Becky mumbled her mouth full of chips. Zoe looked up at her nodding. "Yes, it's amazing what he can do. But I don't understand how it would all be possible. I mean... I know he is strong, but that trailer was bolted shut," she told the others her brows furrowing in confusion.

"He had a little help", Jade smiled secretively, taking another crisp from the bag, while the other girls were staring bewildered at her. "What do you mean?" Becky asked, not quite following. "It was Pin", she told them, and Zoe gasped out loud, not believing what she heard. "Pin opened one of the clasps, so the door would burst open, if Raven tried to push it", she finished with a grin, as she saw Zoe's mouth was wide open. "I can't... believe it", she muttered to herself, her two friends smiling at her.

"Now we are on the subject... What is going on between you and Pin?" Jade asked, making Zoe shrug. She had only met him twice, but there was just something special about him. Something that she couldn't explain. "I don't know... I don't think there is anything going on", she murmured fidgeting with her shirt. Becky scoffed. "Pin is a complex person, and hardly talks to anyone", she said, Jade nodding in agreement. "Well... what's his deal?" Zoe asked, wanting to know more about him.

"We actually don't know much about him, other than the obvious. His dad Ted is divorced. Rumour has it that Pin's mom left, when he was little. But no one really knows for sure. We have seen him at shows, and he is a brilliant rider. But other than that, nothing",Jade finished and Zoe looked thoughtfully at her friends. "How did he start riding for Holloway?" she asked curiously, knowing that their rivals weren't exactly known for playing fair. Pin just seemed too nice to be a part of their team.

"Well, let's just say, that he caught someone's eye", Becky chuckled and Jade gave her a stern look, that told her not to go there. "What do you mean?" Zoe asked perplexed. "Let's just say that their team captain has a thing for him", Becky continued, not taking the hint from Jade. "Just forget it Zoe", she told her friend, elbowing Becky in the side. "No I need to know", Zoe demanded, suddenly feeling foolish, for even thinking about him, when he was clearly with someone else.

"Gaby... the captain for Team Holloway... let's just say she kind of thinks of him as her property", Jade explained slowly, trying to break the news to Zoe gently. She shook her head full of curls and bit her lip. "Okay... then he is clearly off limits", she sighed and stared at the floor, feeling both stupid and very disappointed. Becky still had her hand in the bag of crisps, trying desperately to get the last few crumbs. "Why?" she mumbled chewing loudly. "They aren't together", she continued, making Zoe even more confused. "But I thought you said that..." she started, Becky interrupting her immediately. "She wish that they were together. But Pin has never expressed interest in Gaby that way... At least not that we know of", the blonde clarified, making Zoe smile a little.

"And he just showed up here today to check on you", Becky grinned and Zoe blushed. "He was... just being nice", she pointed out, but her friends laughed. "Right", Jade exclaimed and Zoe took the now empty bag of crisps and hit her on the arm, while laughing along with the other girls.

 As Becky and Jade fell asleep, Zoe couldn't stop tossing and turning. Her mind kept returning to Pin. //Why did he help me and Raven today?//she thought, and knew that if he hadn't been there, Raven might not be a part of her life anymore. She owed him everything, and desperately wanted to tell him. Finally deciding on thanking him, she drifted off to sleep with a smile on her lips.

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