A helping hand

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**// Again so sorry that I have kept you guys waiting. I have been so busy and also suffered from writers block. But finally I'm on the right track again, and I'm already working on the next chapter. So hopefully it'll be ready during the week. Thank you so much for all you support and kind comments. You are the best <3//**

Even though her mom had told her no phone, Zoe was on her mobile every evening texting Pin. She was missing him so much, and it was her only way of communicating with him. They were writing about everything and nothing, and she could tell that he too was missing her.

A week later she was finally allowed to go to the stables, and Zoe was leaping with joy. She longed to see Raven and the others, and she had a bounce to her step, that showed everyone just how happy she was. Becky and Jade had visited her several times during the week, but it had only been for a short amount of time, as Zoe had to rest.

The two girls came and hugged her immediately, as they saw her. "Pony Squad finally together again", Becky uttered triumphantly, and the others couldn't help but laugh. "Good to have you back", a voice said behind them, and they turned to look at Marcus, as he emerged from Monty's stall. Zoe was still angry at him for trying to ruin her relationship with Pin. But since they had found each other again, she had decided to move on and forgive Marcus.

Nodding her head and smiling, she turned back to her friends. "I have to see Raven", she told them and sprinted to the stable door, looking in at the black horse. "Hey boy, how are you doing?" she asked and the gelding neighed when he saw her. "He missed you", Jade said, as the dark horse came to them and rubbed his head against her sleeve. Zoe couldn't help but grin. "I missed him too", she murmured and fed him a mint from her pocket.

Suddenly her phone beeped, and she looked at it, a huge smile forming on her lips, as she texted back. Jade and Becky looked at her curiously. Zoe never looked like that when she texted. She put the phone back in her pocket and looked at her friends. "What?" she asked, and they couldn't help but smile. "Who was that?" Jade said, and Zoe shook her head. "Just Rosie, sending me a lame joke", she answered and looked at the clock. "Oh I'm late, I have to tack up Raven", she exclaimed and turned around heading for the tack room. "Late for what? A ride?" Becky asked with a grin, as Zoe slowly turned back to face them. "Did I say late? What I meant was, that I want to go on a hack, before it gets dark", she mumbled, knowing very well that her friends weren't buying it. "It's twelwe o clock", Jade told her, and Zoe bit her lip. "Yes exactly", she blurted out, hurrying into the tack room, before any more questions were asked.

She was meeting Pin in half an hour, so she quickly took Raven's saddle and bridle, plus her helmet and grooming bag. The black horse was happy that she was back, and he was constantly looking for more mints in her pockets, which made her laugh. Ten minutes later, she swung her right leg over the saddle, and headed towards the beach.

The warm summer air was gentle and calming, as she galloped the last mile to the beach. It felt so wonderful to be on Raven's back again, his mane blowing in the wind, and she inhaled the smell of flowers and the salty sea. From a distance she could already see Pin standing beside Elvis at the sandbanks, and her smile widened.

She dismounted gracefully, and in a heartbeat she was in his arms kissing him. It had been way too long, she thought, as he held her tightly. Pin broke their kiss, and looked at her. "Is it good to be back?" he asked her with a smile, looking at Raven, and she nodded. "Yes I really missed him", she answered, putting a hand to Raven's soft muzzle. "I also missed you", Pin whispered, catching Zoe's attention, and she hugged him gently, as he leaned down to kiss her again. The sun was warm on their faces, as they continued to kiss and hold each other, and Zoe never wanted to let go. Finally realeasing each other, they tied the horses to a nearby log, then walked a few meters to the seashore

"So are you ready to start training again?" Pin finally asked, as they sat down on the beach, taking off their helmets. She nodded her head. "I think so. I'm just nervous", she admitted and found a straw and started drawing circles in the warm sand. ""Why?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. Zoe was always so confident, so he was confused as to why Nationals scared her. "I just... I think Meredith will take Raven away, if we don't win", she said and looked at him. "Has she said anything?" he asked, and she shrugged. "No. But she doesn't say a whole lot. It's just my intuition", Zoe told him, and he put an arm around her.

"Besides I don't have a trainer anymore. I know I can always ask Marcus. But things are just weird between us", she murmured, and felt Pin becoming tense, as she mentioned Marcus' name. She leaned her head on Pin's shoulder, reassuring him that everything was okay. He relaxed and kissed the top of her head. There was a moment of silence between them, when he turned to gaze at her.

"Do you need help?" he asked, and she looked at him bewildered. "What do you mean?" she muttered and her brows furrowed in confusion. "If you want to... I can help you with Raven", he offered, and Zoe couldn't help but smile. "I know him... and you", he mumbled and looked at her. Squealing in delight, she hugged him tightly. "That would be amazing", she said and was already excited. She knew how good a rider he was, and had a feeling that he could learn her so many new things. Besides Raven was relaxed in his presence, and that was the most important part.

"Great we'll start tomorrow", he told her with a grin, and stood up, helping her to her feet. She was once again taken aback with how gorgeous he was, and couldn't believe that she was so lucky to have him in her life. He tugged a curl behind her ear, and kissed her again.

The minutes however ticked by, and suddenly twenty minutes had already passed. "I have to get back", Pin announced, as he with with regret pulled away from her, and she made a small sound of protest. A grin spread on his face as he once again pulled her into his arms, and gave her a passionate goodbye kiss. Both of them put on their riding helmets, and untied the horses.

"Tomorrow when?" she asked him and put the reins back over Raven's head. Pin smiled and caressed her right cheek. "Noon", he told her, and she smiled happily. They pulled apart, and she mounted the black horse, looking down at her boyfriend, who had a hand on her leg. "I'll see you tomorrow", he smiled and she leaned down to give him a final kiss, before taking off.

As she got back to Bright Fields, Zoe was a huge grin, and Jade and Becky looked at her from a distance, as she untacked. "Does Zoe seem... I don't know... much more happy than usual?" Becky asked and Jade smiled. "Yes something is definitely going on... I have a hunch, but I'm not sure", she told the blonde and looked at Zoe with a smile.

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