Getting to know him

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The next day at Bright Fields, Zoe tacked up Raven and got ready to go on a hack with Pin. She was one big smile, and was so excited to see him again. They had texted each other last night and agreed to meet at ten o'clock. She knew Becky and Jade would be at the stables at eleven, so she would be gone, before they could ask questions. She still wasn't prepared for them to know she was seeing Pin.

She put the bridle on the dark gelding, then put on her helmet, and mounted him. Raven took a few steps sideways, eager to go on a hack. "Let's go boy", she told the black horse, then noticed Marcus approaching them. She hadn't talked to him about yesterday and really didn't feel like it. So she turned Raven around and pushed him forward, galloping out the gate. She heard Marcus yell her name, but she ignored him.

As soon as Bright Fields was out of sight, she slowed Raven down. Zoe sighed, and knew she eventually would have to face Marcus, and the others. However she still didn't know if there was anything going on between her and Pin. She liked him. Really liked him. But they didn't know each other that well yet. And obviously there was a lot of tension between Bright Fields and Holloway, and apparently also between Pin and Marcus. Maybe she should ask Pin about it, when the time was right.

As she neared the beach, she could spot Pin from a distance. He was standing beside a chestnut horse with a white blaze, and it suddenly dawned on her, that she had never seen him ride. She had only heard from Becky and Jade how good he was, but she still hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

As she got closer, she saw that he was smiling, and it warmed her heart. He was again in his Holloway uniform, and as she stopped Raven beside him, he put the reins back over the chestnuts head, preparing to mount it. She was actually surprised. Holloway had a reputation of being snobby and high maintenance, so she expected Pin to have a big fancy horse. But this small gelding was just charming and adorable.

"He is so cute", she said looking at the horse beside her, while Pin adjusted his stirrups. He patted the horse on the shoulder and smiled. "His name is Elvis. I know he doesn't look like much, but he means everything to me", he told her, and she had so much respect and admiration for him. Pin was such a great guy. Not only was he absolutely gorgeous, but he had a big heart and was not arrogant in any way.

"Do you want to go for a gallop down the beach?" he asked, and mounted Elvis. She nodded, the sun warming the side of her face, and she smiled, as she pushed Raven forward in a slow canter. The warm summer breeze was a light caress against her face, and she couldn't help but grin happily, as they rode side by side at the edge of the water. The horses were eager and pulled on the bit, as Pin and Zoe gave them more rein, making the strides longer.

She couldn't help but steal a glance at him. Becky and Jade had not been lying. He was a really good rider with lots of balance and posture,and he made it look so easy. It was hard not to compare herself to him, and she knew she had so much to learn, before she would be nearly half as good as him. However she was a hard worker, and would do her best to get to the top.

Slowing down the horses, they changed to trot, and finally walk. Both of them were panting, their faces red from the exercise. "That was so much fun", Zoe grinned, patting Ravens neck and Pin nodded, while trying to calm Elvis down, who definitely wasn't ready to call it quits. She couldn't help but laugh at the small red horse. He might be tiny, but he sure was feisty. Pin soon got the gelding under control, and they slowly walked the horses in the opposite direction, heading home.

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