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**//OMG 1K read. Thank you so much guys! When I started writing this story, I never would have thought so many people would actually read it. It means the world to me. So sorry for taking this long to update. A lot of things are going on in my life right now. However I will never stop updating, and I will definitely finish this story. Already thinking about ideas for the next one//**

As soon as they got home, Maggie put Zoe straight to bed, wanting her to rest. Unfortunately the concussion meant no tv, no light and no phone. //It's going to be a long week//, Zoe thought and turned over in bed, wanting to take a nap. When she woke, it was almost dark outside, and she got up to pull the curtains shut. She still felt dizzy, but a little sleep had definitely helped. Her mom came up with a tray of food, and Zoe protested telling her mom, that she was perfectly capable of getting her own food.

Zoe had almost finished eating, her room only illuminated by candles, when she heard pepples being thrown at her window. She got up and went to the frame to look outside, a smile forming on her lips, as she opened the window. "What are you doing here?" she half whispered and looked over her shoulder, hoping that her family hadn't heard anything. "I wanted to see if you were okay", Pin smiled at her, and shushed Elvis, who was stomping his hoof in the ground. "I'm better now", she told him, and he nodded looking at the ground, licking his lips, his nervous trademark.

"I really am sorry", he mumbled so inaudible that she almost missed it. Tears started forming in her eyes, and all she wanted was to go to him. "I'm... I'm not allowed to see you anymore", she told him, and he nodded in understanding, putting the reins back over Elvis' head, preparing to mount the chestnut. "But I don't care", she spoke up, making Pin stop and look back up at the window. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Tomorrow at eight. Mom is out", she then whispered, blowing him a kiss and shutting the window.

Pin gazed at the closed window, before mounting Elvis and heading back to Holloway. He couldn't help but smile, as he thought of Zoe. He knew that they had to talk about everything that had happened, and it wasn't going to be easy. But the anger he felt had subsided, and he was looking forward to seeing her again.

It had been difficult to get away this evening, as Gaby constanly was clinging to him. But after supper, he had told the others that he needed to take Elvis for a ride. Gaby of course wanted to join him, but he told her that he needded some time alone. It wasn't really a lie. Not completely.

Zoe had filled his thoughts the whole day, and it felt like he was in his own little bubble. After the tournament, Gaby had questioned him about Zoe, and why he had felt the need to help her. All he could answer was, that it was the right thing to do. Gaby had accepted the answer... for now. He knew she was very suspicious, and didn't want him to have anything to do with Zoe. So he had to come up with a good excuse, if he wanted to see her the next day.


Zoe walked around her room fidgeting, and looked at the clock. It was ten to eight and her mom was still downstairs. She exhaled loudly her palms becoming sweaty. Hopefully Pin wouldn't run into her mom. Zoe stopped and looked up. //Maybe he is not coming at all!// she thought and turned around opening the door to the room, almost walking straight into Maggie. "Where are you going?" she asked and looked her daughter in the eye. "Nowhere..." Zoe said then cleared her throat. "I was just going to the bathroom", she then said, trying to look as sincere as possible. "Alright, I'm off, and I'll be back in a few hours", her mom explained, giving her daughter a hug. "Are you sure, you'll be okay on your own? Rosie and grandpa are out, but I can call them if you want me to..." Zoe grinned, looking at her mom. "I have a concussion, not a stroke", she told Maggie, who let out a small laugh. "You grow up so fast", she muttered nostalgicly then turned and went down the stairs.

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