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Zoe walked into Bright Fields a big smile on her face. She started untacking Raven, when Becky and Jade came up to her. "Where have you been?" they asked simultaneously, and Zoe laughed. "Wow, you guys seem hyper", she responded, not answering their question. Her two friends both crossed their arms, as she took off the saddle and headed for the tack room. "What?" she asked, as they followed her. "What's going on?" Jade asked and Zoe swallowed hard, putting the saddle onto its mounting. "Yeah you have been so secretive for the last couple of weeks", Becky told her, and Zoe bit her lip, knowing she had to come clean.

She put the bridle on its hook, and turned around to face her friends. "I'm seeing Pin", she blurted out, not wanting to hide it anymore. Neither of her friends changed their expression. "Umm did you hear what I said?", Zoe asked, wondering why they didn't react. "Well duh", Becky told her, and Zoe raised an eyebrow. "You guys knew?" she asked confused, and both of the other girls smiled. "Well it is kind of obvious", Becky continued, and Zoe couldn't help but blush. "We just wanted you to tell us", Jade said and Zoe hugged them.

She should have told them a long time ago. They were always so understanding and supportive. "Does anyone else know?" Zoe asked them, a nervous expression on her face. "About your date with the devil? Yes everyone knows". The girls turned around and looked at Mia, who entered the tack room. "I always thought you would have better taste. But what could I expect from you, other than dating our rival", Mia mocked and Zoe looked at the ground, gritting her teeth. "Just don't let it interfere with your training. We need to win Nationals", the snobby girl muttered, before leaving the room.

"Don't listen to her Zoe. I think it's sweet that you are dating Pin", Jade said, and Zoe couldn't help but shrug. "I don't know if we are dating", she sighed, honestly not knowing what was going on between her and Pin. "I just... I like him..." she mumbled, her friends grinning. "Well... have you kissed him?" Becky asked, and Zoe looked up at them, a shy smirk on her face, as she nodded.

Both of her friends almost jumped in the air with excitement, and Zoe shushed them, as Marcus entered the room. He just nodded at both Becky and Jade, but wouldn't even look at her, as he went to get Monty's saddle, then left the tack room without a word. Becky looked confused after him. "What's up with him?" she asked and Zoe rolled her eyes. "There's this whole problem between Pin and him. It's actually just a misunderstanding", she explained, and knew she eventually would have to talk to Marcus.


As Pin rode back to Holloway he had a big grin on his face. He hadn't felt like that in... //well never//, he thought to himself, and couldn't get Zoe out of his head. She was so different from any other girl he had ever known. Not only was she beautiful, but she was smart and thoughtful. He knew he was falling hard for her, and he didn't know if he should tell her or not.

As he rode through the gate and towards the stable, he noticed Gaby riding towards him. He rolled his eyes for a second, knowing there would be trouble. "Where have you been?!" she asked exasperated, and pulled the reins hard on her brown horse making it stop abruptly. "I went on a hack", he shrugged, and Gaby narrowed her eyes. "Probably with that Zoe girl, right?" she continued, and he licked his lips nervously, a trademark for him.

He had always liked Gaby, and they had so much in common. However Gaby could at times be both bossy, possessive and very manipulative. She liked him back, but in a different way. From the first day they met, she made it clear that she was interested in him romantically. But Pin saw her more like a sister, which had not made her very happy. Until now it hadn't been a problem, but after Pin had started seeing Zoe, Gaby had been even more controlling.

The Holloway captain always wanted to know where he was all the time, and often questioned him about his whereabouts. Pin knew it really wasn't her buisness, but since they were team mates, he had let it slide, not wanting to create tension or bad energy on the team.

"I don't want you to hang out with her. She's our rival!" Gaby exclaimed, and Pin gritted his teeth in anger, finally getting enough of her jealousy. "Gaby, I know you don't like her. But here is the thing: I do! So stop being constantly on my back, and get over it!" he raised his voice, the brunette taken aback with his tone.

And as Pin dismounted the chestnut horse, he looked up at her. "Zoe is nice, and there is nothing you can do to change my mind", he told her, then walked away with Elvis. Gaby sat back a pout on her face, then a thought popped into her mind, and she grinned. "Oh we'll see about that", she said to herself, then rode her horse to the stables.


Marcus sat at the café drinking a soda, when Gaby approached him. As she popped down on the chair beside him, he looked at her with raised eyesbrows. "Don't worry, I come in peace", she told him, and he relaxed a little more in his seat. "So what do I owe the pleasure captain?" he asked her in a mocking tone, and Gaby pretended to be hurt for a second, before grinning.

"I think we have a common problem", she said, and he turned around to face her, a look of bewilderment on his face. "Pin", she stated simply, and Marcus nodded, clenching his jaw, as he heard the name. "I hear that him and Zoe are seeing each other", she continued, and Marcus took a sip of his soda, before slamming the can onto the counter. "Get to the point!" he muttered angrily, and took a deep breath to steady himself.

"I know you like her, and I think we both want the same thing... For that relationship to end", Gaby told him, and Marcus looked at her. "I'm listening", he mumbled and turned around once more to face her. Gaby leaned in close, and whispered her plan to him. "Simple as that", she ended and Marcus looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm in", he told her with a smirk, and extended his hand to her, which she took immediately.

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