How You Met and Wed

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Y/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name for now
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/F ~ Favorite Food
I think I got most of it. Enjoy!

You huffed looking around for that place again. It was a studio that you thought was perfect to make your own. That is if you can find it again. While looking at the buildings beside you you didn't notice that someone was in front of you before you ran into them.



You landed on your but and looked in front of you. You saw a handsome young man, who was getting up.

"Oh! Sorry about that! Here." He said extending his hand for you to grab. You became shy and took his hand, letting him help you up.

"N-no! It was my fault. I didn't see you!" You said tucking a stray piece of your h/c hair behind your ear.

"Oh! Where are my manners?! I'm Joey. Joey Drew." He said flashing you a grin as he held out his hand. Your face grew warm as you took his hand to shake.

"Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, Joey." You said giggling as his face became pink with blush. Just then you notice the studio you were looking for.

"Aha! I knew it was around here!" You exclaimed happily jogging to the studio, leaving Joey behind. Joey came up beside you as you stare in awe at it.

"Oh? This? I was planing on buying it. You want it?" Joey asked and you nodded.

"Yeah! Maybe we can share?" You asked as Joey pretends to think.

"Or we can work together?" Joey said as he takes your hand and plants a kiss on the back of it. You blushed seeing what he hinted and shyly nods.

"I would like that, Joey." You said as he grins. You giggled as Joey fist-bumps the air.

~~~~~A few years Later~~~~~

"Y/N? Can we talk?" You turned to see your grandmother there. Your grandmother was one of the few people that has the same curse on you. Sadly no one in your family knows who it started or how it end until you found a way. You told Joey a lie that you couldn't have kids of your own, cause your body will kill it. You didn't exactly tell him a lie, only half of the truth. You couldn't risk your curse to get passed down to your kids. Adding onto it, your crying worked and Joey believed you.

You smoothed out your wedding dress as your mother made sure your veil was right.

"Yes, grandma?" You asked as she walks over.

"Are you sure he won't found out?" She asked as you took her hands, patting them.

"I'm sure, grandma. If he does, then I hope he understands. If not, then I'll found someone else who can." You said as she sighs before hugging you. You father came in and nods. You sighs deeply and walked over talking his arm.

     ~~~~~Hours later~~~~~

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said. You wasted no time, tugging Joey's tie and kissing him.

"I'm proud to present Mr. And Ms. Joey and Y/N Drew!" The priest said as you two walked hand and hand down the aisle. You giggled as Joey dipped you, planting a kiss on your lips.

  ~~~~A few months later~~~~

"Ok. So you all know what to do?" You asked as Joey disappeared down the hall.. You were worried about Joey. He won't talk you and keeps saying that he has a surprise for you.

"Yes, Ms. Drew. We're good." Henry said as you smiled.

"Thank you, Henry. Same drinks at the same time, right?" You asked getting a series of answers. You love your job, even if Joey says he owns the place. You knew that you two both bought the damn place. It irritates you that Joey said that. You let it go for now.

Sammy smiled at you as you looked away shyly. Sammy is nice to you even though you're married to Joey, that didn't stop you from being sweet to the staff and maybe a little too friendly to Sammy. Sammy found out about your curse and kept his promise to you about never telling anyone. So far, Sammy is the most trusted person you met to doesn't fear you. He stand by you when You and Joey had arguments. If you weren't married to Joey, you would have taken by Sammy.

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