Years Later

44 3 0

Y/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/F ~ Favorite Food


"Y/N. I think you shouldn't go back to that place. What if he's still alive?" Your mother said said, looking worried at you as you rolled your eyes. You've being staying at your grandmother's place for about 30 years waiting. It killed you with patience not to get up and go back there just to use your powers, but you couldn't risk it. Some the people there are still pretty suspicious of you after seeing that you still look so young and beautiful.

"Mom. It's fine. It's been 30 years. I'm sure he's dead by now. I have to get my kids." You said as your mother sighs.

"She's just worried, dear. You know how your mother is. I say you should go. I want to see my grandkids." You father said grinning. You smiled at looked down at your hands. The tips of your fingers, just below the nails, were black. You found it weird that it was permanent ink stains from using your powers. Your mother's hands looked like fingerless gloves since she only used ink in the palms. Your grandmother's hands, however, the black stained halfway up her arms and did a faded cracking ink stain like yours.

"Don't you worry about Y/N, dear. She'll be fine. Now go get kids and make sure that horrible man is dead." You grandmother said as you nodded. You hug your family and walked out of the house. You got into your car since it's Joey's car, you basically  claimed it as your's.

"Alright. Let's go." You said to yourself and turned the key as the engine started. You put in gear and was off. Driving back to the studio. Pulling up to the sidewalk, you parked the car and turned it off. Staring at the studio, it gave chills down your spine by the looks of it on the outside.

Taking a deep breath, you got out of your car and walked up to the door. It was boarded up. You sense ink. A lot of ink. Puddles? There was one at the door. You sigh and felt pulled through emptiness. You opened your eyes, and take gasping breaths. You never want to do that again. Going through ink puddles left a bad taste in your mouth. Catching your breath, you looked around trying to find your kids or any sign of them. As you stood up, a huge Ink Bendy appeared through a puddle in front of the hallway. You sighed and waved your hand as if you're dismissing someone to leave. The Ink Bendy melts back into the puddle making the ink puddle bigger.

"Bendy? Alice? Boris? Are you here? Kids?" You called out as you walked over the puddle. You looked around, seeing ink and poster board cutouts of Bendy everywhere. You kept an eye out for any sign of Joey being remotely alive. Stopping at a left or right turn hallway, you saw movement down the left hallway.

"Bendy?" You called out looking down the hallway. You had ink forming at your fingertips in case it was not Bendy or the others.

"M-mom?" You heard your son's voice. The figure moved closer and you sigh out of relief.

"Bendy! Oh thank god! You're okay!" You said as you scooped Bendy up in your arms. Bendy started crying and hugging you back tightly.

"M-mom! I thought you left us! That man said you didn't care!" Bendy cried as you shush him.

"Oh, Bendy. I would never leave you guys behind. I couldn't come get you sooner if Joey was alive. Where is he? Where are Boris and Alice?" You asked as you set Bendy down.

"T-the ink. I'm sorry! I don't know what happen! I'm sorry!" Bendy cried as ink tears stream down his cheeks. You wiped them away.

"It's okay! It's okay. I know you didn't mean too, but sometimes it happens. Now come. Let's find your brother and sister." You said taking his hand and began walking down hallways and unboarding rooms to look in.

"Boris! Alice! It's mom! Where are you?!" You called out and turned a corner. You stopped seeing Boris on a strapped table with his chest ripped opened. You walked over with Bendy to get a closer look. Boris looks older then you remember something.

"Bendy. Did Boris showed signs of controlling ink like you?" You asked as Bendy looks at the dead Boris.

"No. Why? Isn't this Boris?" Bendy asked looking really confused. You shook your head.

"No. This isn't Boris, cause Boris makes clones. And Boris is right beside us." You said pointing at an ink splash on the wall. The Ink rippled and Boris was thrown out and landed with a thud. Boris shook his head and looked up. His ears dropped as he waved at you nervously.

"H-h-h-hi m-m-m-m-om." Boris stuttered out. You smiled hearing him speak for the first time. You felt so proud.

"Boris!" Bendy said and helps Boris up before hugging him. Boris smiles and hugs back.

"We need to work on your speech, you know that, right?" You asked as Boris nods rubbing his neck.

"Have you seen Alice?" Bendy asked him and Boris thinks before nodding. Boris leads you and Bendy to a boarded room. You tensed as you remember what room this was. The Ink Machine room. You and Boris pulled the boards off and Bendy opens the door.

"Alice? You in here?" You called out and you heard noises.

"Mom? Mom! You're here!" Alice came running over and hugged you. You sighed in relief and hugged back. They're safe. They're all safe. You heard a rumble and looked around. You saw the ink machine doing something. You stared at it and walked over.

"Mom?" Bendy called out. You held your hand to stop them.

"Stay there." You said going closer to the manchine. The machine stopped all of sudden. You stared at it before realizing something. You turned around in panic.

"Get out of the room!" You yelled as the pipes bursts. Ink flooded the room and blocked the only exit. A vortex started and you reached out for your kids.

"Kids!" You yelled as Bendy reached for you.

"Mom!" Bendy yelled as you fell through the vortex with a flash of light.

"Guys! Help!" Alice screamed as she disappeared. Bendy and Boris held onto each other as they got closer to the vortex. Bendy closed his eyes tightly.

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