A Mother and Ink Machine

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Y/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/F ~ Favorite Food

Bendy's eyes snap open as he bolted up. Looking around in confusion before realizing he was outisde in the woods.

"Bendy? You ok?" Boris asked rolling over and sat up. Rubbing the sleep out of eyes.

"I'm fine. Just confused that's all." Bendy said rubbing his head.

"Really? Confused on being out here? Or just confused on life in general?" Cuphead said and Bendy glares at him before turning to Boris.

"Neither. Hey, Boris? Did you have a weird dream about someone?" Bendy asked as Boris looks confused and perking up.

"You having a weird dream? I'm sure it's about one of those girls." Cuphead said and Bendy ignores him. Mugman wakes up and watches them.

"You mean that woman? Yeah. I did. I think she was...." Boris trailed off as Migman spoke up.

"Who was she? The woman in your dreams?" Mugman asked.

"Our mom. There was someone else there too." Bendy said.

"Wow. You have mom. Good for you." Cuphead said sarcastically and Bendy glares at him.

"Will you just shut up?" Bendy asked and Cuphead glares at him smirking.

"Aw. Does my presence hurt you? I'm not sorry." Cuphead said and Bendy rolls his eyes.

"Alice. We need to find Alice." Boris said as Bendy nods.

"Who?" Mugman asked and Cuphead sighs.

"Our sister. Alice Angel. She should be near here, I think." Bendy said looking around. The bushes rustled and everyone was on alert.

"We know you're there! Come out whoever you are or I'll shoot you!" Cuphead yelled holding his hand out like a good. The bushes rustled and someone rolled out.

"Oof!" The person said and got up.

"Alice?" Boris asked as the person turned around brushing off some leaves.

"There you are! I've been looking for you two everywhere!" Alice said walking and hugged Bendy and Boris.

"Alice. Do you know where mom is?" Bendy asked as Alice nods her head.

"I think so. But..." Alice trailed off and Bendy stares at her.

"But? What? You were the last person to see mom. Where is she?" Bendy asked and Alice sighs. Alice looks down avoiding all eye contact.

"The machine. She's there." Alice mumbles as Bendy smiles.

"That's easy if mom's there. Then all we have to do is go there and see her." Bendy said and Alice shook her head.

"No! You don't get it! She's not at the machine! Mom is inside the machine!" Alice screamed and everyone was taken back.

"Wait. If your mom is inside the machine, wouldn't that mean that she's made of ink?" Cuphead asked. Bendy scratched his cheek thinking.

"I guess so. Mom said her family was cursed years ago. I guess they pissed off the wrong person or something." Boris said as Alice nodded.

"Alright then. We'll fixed the machine and get mom back." Bendy said as Boris and Alice nods.

"Right behind you, bro." Alice said. Bendy turns to the Cup bros.

"So. You in or out?" Bendy asked as Cuphead looks at Mugman. Mugman nods grinning and Cuphead sighs.

"Looks like I don't have a choice. We're in." Cuphead said. Bendy grins and pulls at the map.


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Someone yelled. You felt warmth on your face and your eyes fluttered opened. Your blurred vision cleared and you were confused. Why is Sammy here?

"S-Sammy?" You asked as your vision clears.

"Yes! It's me! What happened? How-how are you here?" Sammy asked as you looked around. It was brown-ish like void. You looked down felling no floor or anything. Just seeing the metallic brown-ish shine ink around you and Sammy. You looked over at Sammy, seeing him well human-ish except the fact he looks like straight black ink.

"Y/N!!!" A voice yelled. You turned around to see Joey? You back up as Sammy stands beside you. Joey looks all weird. Like dripping ink. You looked at your hands seeing them half stained in black ink.

"What do you want, Joey?!" Sammy yelled as he held your arm as if he telling you to get behind him.

"I want Y/N! You should be dead, Sammy!" Joey yelled as you glared at him.

"Fuck off, Joey! I'm not your wife anymore! And I want my-...." You stopped talking as you noticed something. You looked around in panic for any sign of your kids.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Sammy asked as you looked at him.

"My kids! Where are my kids?! Where is Bendy, Boris, and Alice?! Where are they?!" You asked looking around.

"I-i-i-i don't know." Sammy said and Joey chuckles.

"Hopefully dead. That stupid demon." Joey said and you wiped around glaring at him.

"Shut up! Just shut up! I don't have any idea what I've been through dealing with you! I hate you, Joey! I wish I've never fell in love with you! Just! Just die!" You screamed at him and the ink ripples around you three. You watched as the ink came up around Joey.

"What? Wait! No! You bitch! Stop this! Stop!" Joey yells reaching for you, but Sammy pulled you away from Joey. You held onto Sammy as Joey screams before the ink swallowed him. You breathed a sigh of relief being free from Joey. You looked up and pecked Sammy's cheek.

"Thank you. Now! How do we get out?" You said giggling before looking around. You seeing nothing, but ink everywhere. You huffed annoyed seeing no way out. You looked down seeing the you were wearing some old fashioned clothes. An off the shoulder white button shirt with a black vest like corset over it. A fluffy black skirt with cream colored pants and black heeled boot. Girly, but not too girly. You liked it and figured that you were somewhere else. You hoped your kids are okay and waited for anything to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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