Ink Machine and Bendy

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/N ~ Your Name
L/N ~ Last Name for now
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/F ~ Favorite Food


"Hey, Y/N?" You heard a voice from behind you. I turned around in your chair to see your husband, Joey there.

"Yes, Joey?" You asked looking him over. You noticed bags under his eyes and paranoid eyes. You are worried, but you can't say much, knowing he'll just avoid the question or brush it aside.

"Can you come with me? I found something I wanted to show you." Joey said and you nodded slowly. Joey took your hand gently as you got up. He led you down the hallways and into a room. You looked around. Weird. There's pedestals for something and a...manchine?

"Joey? What is this?" You asked as he grins, walking obe to the manchine.

"This! This is an ink machine! Look! See, it has ink left over here." Joey said showing you a spot of dried ink. You looked at Joey shocked and wiped it off your face before he noticed. He can't find out.

"That's nice, but I think it's dead. You can't use it." You said and Joey ignores you.

"There's must be something here to start it." Joey mumbles to himself and touched something. The manchine spits out ink, making it splash. Out of instinct, You held your hand out stopping to ink from touching you and Joey. You lower your hand setting the ink down on the floor. You looked at Joey as he looks at you.

"How? How can you do that? That's incredible! Show me again! Can I run some test? No, wait. You can help me! The drawings! You can bring them life, right? Right?!" Joey said and you stepped back.

"What? No! I'm not helping you! You can't just run test on me. It's my curse. It's unpredictable." You said shaking your head. Joey's mood suddenly changed as he pins you to the wall.

"Then I'll take a sample myself." Joey said, before tossing you aside as you hit your head and blacked out. You came to with Sammy looking worried. You groaned, holding your head.

"What happen? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Sammy asked, helping you up. You smiled at him.

"I'm fine, Sammy." You said as you flinch from sudden pain. You look at your arm seeing a small hole of dried blood. You were confused, but shook your head thinking it was nothing. Sammy led you back to your open office where the others were at, waiting on you and Sammy.

"Are you alright?! We got worried when you didn't come back with Joey!"

"Are you hurt?! Do you need water?! Coffee?! Sleep?!"

What happen to your arm?! Is your head alright? You're holding it."

You smiled at the others getting them to calm down, saying you're fine and wanted some water.

~~~~~A week later~~~~~

You haven't spoken to Joey in a week since the incident in the ink machine room. Joey boarded it up as well as 2 or 3 other rooms. Paranoia much? You looked over the drawings once more of Bendy and tossed the unly ones away. Most of them were of him in a suit or a dress. You thought it was stupid. You heard footsteps behind you, but didn't bother to turn around. You felt something in you, telling you to turn around. So you gave in and turn around. You jumped seeing what looks like Bendy from the drawings, there in front of you.

"Uh...H-hi?" You said looking at Bendy. He shuffled from one foot to the other before looking up. Your heart strings were tugged hard at the sight of the teary eyed Bendy. You have no idea what the hell you were doing as your motherly instincts took over from some reason. You got up and kneeled down in front of Bendy.

"Hey. Hey. Shhh. You're okay. It's okay. Come here, my little demon." You said as you gently scoop up Bendy in your arms and cuddle him. Bendy snuffs and nuzzled his head in your chest.

"Oh! There you are, Bendy." You looked up to see Joey. You frowned and held Bendy as you stood up. You walked passed Joey without a word or glance with Bendy in your arms.

"Mama?" You frozed, hearing that and looked down. Your heart melts seeing Bendy's curious eyes looking at the others.

"Y/N? Why do you have Bendy? And why did he call you "Mama"?" One of your employees asked. You looked at Bendy and smiled as you settled him on your hip with a kiss to his forehead.

"Since you guys know Bendy. Bendy is my son. I hope you all will be nice to him." You said as you see Joey's emotionless face looking at you and turns away. I sigh and look at Bendy when he touched your face hesitantly. You smiled making the ink on your face get absorb. As much as you hated your curse, there are some good things about it. You live forever. You look young. Your blood is ink. Ok. Maybe not that. But you can still eat regular food. So there's are upsides and downside about your curse. But you didn't care. As long as you weren't separated from Bendy, you were happy. You need to figure out why you feel something towards Bendy. Like you want to protect him from Joey like if he was your own kid.

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