a catch [Chapter 16]

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I'm sorry if this is sloppy rn I'm just trying to pump out a bunch of chapters and I wrote chapter 15 the night before I wrote this one but normally I write 3 a night so I can be very lax and not to stuck up when trying to make sure that chapters get out ~daily~ which is my goal.. I just think its very convenient for the reader when they come out every day... and I'm paling on having maany more chapters but idk if thats gonna happen? anyways.. the very least, 30 chapters and most--200 but thats pretty crazy and probably won't happen. but thats my goal so we'll see... any ways I'm basically saying at. the bottom ill put the date finished and date published.. so you can see? idk I just think it could be helpful.. idk


ur pov--

you get a call from your dad. 

"hey dad." "hey y/n!! how're you feeling?" "not.. great.? but better then yesterday." "ok..well could u somehow get over to the abp .. were gonna try and get bruce to help me find out what wrong and to see what we can do.. cuz we need you at school.." "um.. ok?" "I had Steve drive your car down when he went there.. so it should still be there." "ok dad." "bye I love you!" "..." you hang up. ugh.. why would I do that?  you think to your self.. very guilty..

you g too the garage and get into your car.. not too long after.. you see Peter leave a cafe..huh.. you continue driving to the abp.. a bit later you see Spiderman swinging around and he lands on a roof near by.. you smile to yourself and hope he pays you another visit today...

you eventually make it to the abp, and you walk in and check in with the receptionist.. she must be new because theres never been a receptionist, it starts to rain a bit ..

 anyways you walk over to the lab and see your dad and mr. banner talking and waiting at a medical table..

after a couple minutes of being examined  bruce pulls up a screen with a bunch of graphs and pictures and stuff. most of. it made sense to you, but your head and stomach hurt so bad thatt you could barely focus on anything else...

"so I'm sure you can see.. theres something in your stomach that you might swallowed and its screwing up your immune system.. have you taken any weird drugs recently.." 

" no, I just took an ibuprofen when I was feeling sick but it didn't help.. like I didn't feel any better..." "tony, do you know anything that might've done something like this? " 

"..." he stays silent. "..dad..?"

 "well, I might've given you one of those pills that you take when you think you might be poisoned.. the ones that abolish all unknown medications..." you dad admits 

"..tony.. those are for when you are drugged.. not before.."bruce clarifies  

"I mean like technically it worked.."  he retorts.. "tony." "dad." "y/n.. I'm sorry. really was trying to keep you safe.. all these famous guys' kids get kidnapped and I don want that to be you.. and i heard you were going to a party and..." 

"dad.. I have common. sense.. I don't need your protection..I can defend myself.. thats why we do all the drills..." "yeah.. but I'm still worried.." 

"I'm going home" you barge out the room and storm off straight to the front door...

Peters pov---

me ned and mj are prying apart my suit seeing if theres anything else we can unlock because, theres nothing better to do.. 

I'm working on something around the head, like where Karen is, an I discovered I can change her voice! not just to other robots, but to anyone I've talked with a lot.. like ned and mj, of course, my voice is in there? kinda trippy, theres mr. stark, may, happy, and some other people who I talked to at school with my suit in my bag.. and finally, y/n! 

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