Chapter 2

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Nora introduced me to a show that she loves, Jane the Virgin. We watched a few episodes while we were supposed to be asleep, but Nora said that she did it all the time.

I was getting all the more excited to go to Midtown, thanks to her. She showed me photos of her and the times she'd spent with her friends, at school. Apparently Nora and Peter had known each other in elementary and middle school, so they were very good friends, according to her. We'd just finished watching the third episode of Jane the Virgin.

"So? How'd you like it?" Nora shoves her laptop back into its case.

I thought about it. "Hmm... seems like a good show. I'm not binge watching with you on school nights, girl! That would make me exhausted all the time."

She laughs. "Just wait until we all start watching movies together."

I turn the lamp off beside my new bed, and say goodnight to her. The time was 12:07 already. I couldn't help but gaze out the window, though.

There was a flash of red and blue beside a tall building. I leaned in closer to see what it was. It swooshed past another building, and another. Finally I had a good glimpse at it, only to figure out that it was Spider-Man. I forgot Queens had their own little superhero, watching out for the neighborhood.

Eventually, it became morning. I woke up at 8:30, while Nora continued to sleep in. I walked into the kitchen to see Ellie eating breakfast, and Aunt Rebecca making pancakes.

"Good morning, Ashley," She says with a smile.

"Good morning." I reply, taking a seat at the table.

"Pancakes are almost ready. Ellie is going to a dance class. Where is Nora?"

"She's still sleeping in," I started, "But I don't think that she'll be awake for a while."

Aunt Rebecca placed a plate of pancakes in front of. "Enjoy," she said with a smile.

"Thank you." I replied politely.

Nora said she was going to take me shopping for new clothes back to school. Midtown wasn't a uniform school, unlike mine in Canada, so I was nervous about what would be good to wear. There was a mall about a few miles from here, so I figured she might take me there.

"I'm going to take Ellie to the studio now. I hope Nora will be awake when I come back."

"I'll wake her up." I suggest, receiving a smile in return.

"Thank you. If anything happens, my number is on the refrigerator."

Ellie and Aunt Rebecca left after that. I never knew that Ellie was into dancing too, let alone art. She loved making drawings for me when I was younger, and they were nicely detailed.

Well, for a five-year-old, at least. She was taking this seriously, and I was really proud of her. I couldn't even get my head set on what I wanted to do until now, at sixteen years old, in high school. I had to wake up Nora, and quickly. They left twenty minutes ago, and would be back soon, which is why I should have finished my breakfast earlier.

"Come on, Nora, wake up," I whisper, shaking her body to see if she'll wake up.

"It's not a school night Mom... I can sleep in..."

I had no idea that Nora could talk in her sleep, but she ignored me anyway and flipped over to the wall side. This would make it harder to wake her up.

"It's me... Ashley... you're Mom's going to be home soon."

She was definitely awake after that. I helped her change into her clothes, into a panic, because Aunt Rebecca would be home anytime now.

I rushed over to the stove and placed the plate of pancakes on the table, grabbed some utensils, and maple syrup.

She quickly jumped into her seat, and that's when we heard the keys jingle from outside. We sighed in relief, hoping that Aunt Rebecca wouldn't suspect anything. I was right. She walked in, set her purse down, looked at Nora, and didn't say a word. Then she disappeared to her bedroom. We high-five in excitement.

"Wow... that was perfect. And sorry for ignoring you."

"It's okay. So, where are you taking me today?" I grin and tilt my head.

"Well, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait and find out."

I gave her a sarcastic sour face in return, and she stuck her tongue out. We already understood each other after all of these years, and I felt so happy at that.

About an hour later, we dressed up, to go to Nora's "secret" surprise place. Aunt Rebecca and Ellie came too, and I got even more excited at that. It turns out I was right after all, we were going to the mall. I didn't say anything, but I did act surprised because I truly was genuinely surprised. Good thing I brought my wallet with me.

"Alright. We'll meet back here at 12:00 girls, then we can go out and have lunch."

Aunt Rebecca and Ellie went in an opposite direction. Nora explained to me that she would be going on a dance trip, but it was somewhere in the state, and she needed new clothes.

I guess we were both here for the same reason, with Aunt Rebecca and Nora being our coaches. However, Nora did take this seriously.

We went into many stores and tried on clothes. I bought a few pairs of pants, and some really cute shirts that would be appropriate for school. Nora also bought a few pieces a clothing, but we both agreed that she had the better fashion style.

"Okay, let me buy you this nice dress, especially if we go to a party. Please,"

Nora insisted on buying me a lovely, but slightly expensive dress. I caved in and said yes, but told her to expect something from me in the future.

New York was becoming my home before I knew it.

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