Chapter 11

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Today finally rolled around. It was the day we were leaving to go to Washington for the Decathlon. 

As I was boarding the bus, I noticed Peter running up to us in a hurried manner. We were all surprised to see him there. It wasn't too long ago that he said he couldn't come because he was busy. That boy was always busy.

Flash didn't look so happy to see him at all. I was glad he came at the last minute, secretly.

Liz started drilling on some questions. We all took turns, seeing who could answer first and who had the most points. Nora won at the end, but I know it was because she was the most interactive.

"So, anymore news on Spider-Man?" Peter asks.

I was sitting two seats in front of him, but we were near the back of the bus anyway.

"No, he hasn't been coming o-" Then I realized my mistake.

I was too busy reading a book and trying to have a conversation at the same time, so the words just kind of slipped out.

"What?" Peter stared at me with a pale face.

I screamed inside. "I meant- he hasn't been coming into the open lately, so there hasn't been many reports about him."

"Oh." He turned around and talked to Ned.

Meanwhile, I was internally panicking. If I hadn't thought of that on the spot, what could've happened? Thank goodness, I'd never know.

We got to Washington late in the afternoon. Me and Nora were sharing a room, which I'm glad worked out. Everyone dropped their stuff off in the rooms, and we went sightseeing a little. I was pretty scared to be going up the Washington Monument tomorrow, which was another sightseeing place we were going to go see.

Later that night, most of the team went swimming in the hotel we were staying in. I declined, not wanting to risk getting in trouble for this. I continued reading my book.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Nora opens the door to our room.

I frown. "No, really, just go and have fun."

"Okay." She sighs and leaves.

I ended up sleeping well that night, but I was really nervous about the Decathlon. We were on our way, and finally entering the actual competition area. 

Peter was nowhere to be seen. Ned was on the phone with him, until Liz snatched the phone and demanded to know where he was. 

He was an important part of our team. We couldn't lose him now.

Everyone was on edge the entire time during the competition. It was a close match, until MJ answered the last question correctly. We all couldn't believe it! We were cheering and having fun, so much fun, that I completely forgot about the Washington Monument trip.

Nora and MJ stayed down, but I forget why they said they didn't want to go.

The tour guide was speaking in such a monotone voice, so I completely tuned her out. The higher we went up, the more nervous I got. I freaked out when a purple light and an explosion erupted from inside.

Now everyone on the elevator was in panic mode. The tour guide reassured everyone saying that everything was under control. 

I didn't believe her at all. Now we had begun falling downward towards the ground, so fast, that I didn't even notice Spider-Man swing in through the top of the elevator. He shot a web at the top, then the elevator stopped falling.

"Is everyone okay?" He asks, scanning the area. 

He pulls us up to the top, so that everyone gets out okay. There are a few of us left, when suddenly, it lurches downward again. Spider-Man controlled his grip better this time, helping the rest of us out.

I was climbing out last, as Spider-Man caught Liz as she was dangling in mid-air. Then I lost my grip, and the elevator pulled me down with it.

I screamed as loud as I could. My stomach lurched right along as I dropped many levels quickly. Something happened. I felt lighter. Much lighter. Then I realized I was falling slower than the elevator, almost in slow-motion.

A web attached to my body, and it yanked upward, making me pause in mid-air. Then I stopped falling completely. A hand grabbed my waist.  

After that yank, I felt myself going unconscious. I guess the impact effected my head negatively, It all happened in a flash. My vision turned grey and blue before I shut my eyes closed. That was all I remembered. 

"Is she waking up?" A voice startles my sensitive ears.

I open my eyes to see Nora standing beside me, and Spider-Man setting me on the ground. People look concerned, and paramedics and police begin to arrive. 

My vision was still blurry, and I could only distinguish Nora because of her voice. Sirens wailed in the background, with the noise gradually becoming louder. I squint my eyes, trying not to soak up the bright sun.

Everything flashed blue and grey in that moment.

Someone was supporting my head, but I grabbed their arm and tightened my grasp. The colours flashed very fast and were somehow revealing different patterns.

I could hear Nora screaming in my ear. Begging for me to be okay. 

I guess I should just be lucky I came out of that alive. The last thing I felt was a snap in my neck. Maybe that gave me a concussion. Hopefully this was a symptom, otherwise there would be something wrong with me.

"Please... stay awake..." Nora was tearing up, and I knew this was her tendency.

I push her arm away. "No! Leave me... sleep,"

The vision started to restore itself, but I couldn't talk properly. My words were becoming jumbled up. I sat up more and looked around.

More than enough police and ambulances were at the scene. Everyone was panicking. No one was calm except for the paramedics.

That's when I choked up and saw a vision spiralling through my sight.

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