Chapter 17

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I determined that it would be better to keep the journal mostly a secret from everyone, except Nora. That didn't mean I would provide her with details.

Again, I was just relived that I never told her about the journal status.

As I snuck out through the back door to the yard (not exactly sneaking), tension began to grow inside of me. Worry too, I guess.

I tucked the journal farther into my coat as I slid the back door open. It was getting particularly colder as New York was going into the winter months soon. The fall weather was slowly fading away, and to my dismay, going to be gone for a whole year.

Fall ultimately became my favourite season because of the breeze, sweaters, and pumpkin cheesecake.

I continued my pace towards middle of the backyard, trying to find Spider-Man.

He jumped from behind me on the ground. I flinch immediately, turn around, thinking it was a robber. In other words, my instinct was punch him in the face. Thank goodness he had his spidey-sense, as I was too late to realize it was him.

His instinct was to dodge me, but in turn, I somehow managed to wind him without touching him.

"I'm so sorry," I stuttered while trying to help him help.

He reached out to grab my hand as I pulled him up. 

"You've got a strong punch there," He murmurs, as I walk over to where the shed is.

"I seriously didn't mean to. I didn't even touch you either."

He nods in agreement. An awkward silence brews between us. I could remember my angry cries from earlier.

In that moment I felt bad about what I said. Oh, also about what I did just now.

"I've felt really off lately, so I'm glad you came around. I guess now things can go back to normal, between us?" I fidget awkwardly, hoping he would agree.

His distraught expression fades. "That would be nice. I thought you wouldn't want to talk anymore."

I smile and know that we're through this. I don't need to worry about our small talking sessions anymore, so I can be myself again.

However, my medical condition began to consume my thoughts rapidly. I wanted this to be controllable. The more confidence I thought I'd gain from possibly thinking I was in control of this would disappear when new symptoms showed.

"Listen, I have to go, or my sister will get, um, suspicious. But I'll see you around."

He nods as I walk back to the house. The journal in my coat sinks, and I quickly stop it from falling without touching it. 

It happened again. I froze still, not wanting to acknowledge whatever the heck just happened. I shifted slightly, looking for anything to pick up off the ground.

A small rock lay present in the grass. I concentrated for a moment and reached out my hand, making a gesture as if I were picking it up. The rock lifted a touch, then rose with the height of my hand. I couldn't believe what was happening right now! 

I flinched and took my hand back in a sudden gesture. The rock fell with a thud back on the ground.

I decided to ignore and forget about this. 

Unfortunately, I began to feel dizzy, probably as a result of that. This is exactly why I hated the rush of confidence, then the symptoms come along and screw over all my knowledge of... whatever kind of ability this is.

I pull open the back door, take off my shoes, and proceed to my room. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep, because of how tired I was.

I popped into Nora's room and heard a loud squeak. She was sat on her desk chair, clarinet in hand. Her hands were fumbling around, trying to adjust the reed and place the ligature perfectly in place. She attempted the note again, only resulting in a louder squeak.

"This is useless." Her tone screams angry. "I hate this specific clarinet so much. Out of all the ones I could've had, she gives me this one! This one!"

I shake my head. "I feel bad for you. The flute only has a head joint, which screws on with the other two pieces. Not much assembly or clean-up needed anyway."

She sighs tiredly. "I wish it were that easy with this instrument."

We both agree and decide to part ways. I'm tired, she's tired, and nobody wants to argue when we're tired. Then add angry to the mix, see where it goes.

I stalk down the hall and return to my empty, unlit bedroom. 

I couldn't remember if I had more homework to do. The sound of the front door opening was a quick scare to me until I realized it was just Ellie and Aunt Rebecca.

I greet them from the front door and jokingly apologize for Nora's clarinet, as to which I add she's having a difficult time with. Ellie likes to make fun of her squeaky noises, so I directed my message towards her.

That's when I made a decision to just go to bed. I was feeling extra tired for no reason. 

I remembered that Peter would be coming over tomorrow to study. Hopefully all would go well, and maybe even Nora could help us out. It would be like a movie night, but more directed towards studying and getting good grades.

As soon as I finished changing into my pajamas, I brushed my teeth in a hurry. 

My body felt so emotionally and physically exhausted. I didn't know why, because I had slept well over the last fews days.

I passed out almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

There were intense waves of different colours flashes in front of my closed eyes, but mostly blue and grey were prominent.

The scheme of colours and intensity messed with my vision so bad, I couldn't even open my eyes to get rid of it. That's when it clued in that I could be suffering severe side effects, all from that snap on my neck.

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