Chapter 10

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That was painful to write. How could Spider-Man ever possibly like me back? It would make me go crazy, but I know that's not how he feels. He has more important priorities.

So do I.

Take right now, for example. The sidewalk is all soggy and wet because of the light rain we had yesterday. I couldn't slip or fall, but I had to speed walk home. Otherwise, I would risk dropping my project that was due Monday. 

Nora and I were in the same class for English, and we had to make a poster based on some weird story we were almost finished reading.

Now that I think of it, I really hated reading that novel. It was mundane and had a boring plot. The story and characters were so out of tune, because the book was written in the 1930's. Our teacher didn't even seem to enjoy it either, but she assigned it to us anyway. However, I was becoming excited about the American Thanksgiving. I skipped the one with my family in October, because I'm going back to Canada for the Christmas break.

Luckily, the project got home safely, and we got it done before Monday came. Well, actually, we finished on Saturday, which was a huge accomplishment for both us. We love to procrastinate. The week seemed to fly by, and before we knew it, the day was already Thursday.

"x is not 5," Peter says, tapping his pencil on my paper.

"I don't understand math like you do. What is x anyway?" I protest, and give up in the process.

He sighs. "x is 9, and that was an easy problem. Is something wrong?"

I jot down a few notes and doodle a mini Spider-Man. "No... probably, I mean- I can't focus."

Just as soon as I finish speaking, my mind goes back to Spider-Man. That's the fourth time this class, and it's only been twenty minutes!

My friends weren't wrong when they said I couldn't focus or concentrate. My grades hadn't slipped in the process, but this was becoming a real issue in terms of my friendships. I couldn't listen to anything they said.

Thankfully, Spider-Man hasn't been showing up lately, so I've cleared out my thoughts better. When he does visit, though, the cycle starts again.

"Why can't you focus?" He asks.

Should I say why? "It's that guy you like, isn't it?"

I nod my head slightly. "Yeah. He doesn't seem to know how to stay out of my thoughts."

"Would I know him?" He asks with a nervous expression.

I mean, would you, Peter? Of course. Spider-Man could even know him, for all I know. But, how could I admit that?

"No, I don't think so... he's, a friend, from Canada..." I lie.

That nervous expression was replaced with a softer and sadder expression, but I brushed it off. He probably didn't care about it, anyway.

"Oh, I see." The bell rings, and he leaves the classroom quickly.

When did the period fly by so fast? I was just working on some math problems, them we had a conversation, and the bell rang. 

Not that I'm complaining. Our math teacher gives us more homework than we should be receiving. Normally it helps, too- practice makes perfect, or at least, that's what he says. I just find that it helps me improve my skill, especially when the work gets repetitive.

"I have another Spider-Man article," Nora announces to us.

Ned choked on his food. "Another?"

"Can I see it?" I pipe up, triggering interest in everyone.

Nora hands me her phone, and I read the article interestingly. It talks about shaming Spider-Man for the Delmar's incident, and there was a video clip attached to it.

"Why is this coming up again?"

Ned frowned. "Spider-Man should be lucky the owner of that place isn't 'charging' him."

"What do you mean?" I ask in curiosity.

"Well, he had good intentions, trying to stop those robbers. They had some alien tech which blasted that shop. People are saying that if Spider-Man hadn't interfered, the police could've taken care of it."

Now I can see where this is coming from. "I guess so..."

The bell rings again, and I walk back to my locker with Peter.

"Why would they even want to blame him for something like that? It doesn't seem fair! He was just trying to help..."

Peter laughed. "Getting defensive?"

I stick my tongue out. "Just sticking up for what's right."

"Spider-Man seems to be your hobby or something... I could've totally mistaken you for a fangirl."

I blushed slightly. "Would not!"

Then I spot Liz walking down the hallway, and Peter's eyes glued to her. He doesn't acknowledge me as I poke him until I slam my locker shut.

"Guess I could mistake you for a fanboy, then,"

I say with one last glance at him, leaving Peter speechless as I started to my next class.


Today was finally Thursday. One of the days of the week I generally hated the most. 

Our math teacher had given us a test tomorrow, on Friday. Apparently teachers love to ruin your favourite day of the week. I was so busy studying and engrossed in my work, hoping that the test would fly by.

"Hey, so Mr. Harrington gave us permission forms for the Decathlon. Did you get one?"

I frown, watching Nora walk over to me. "No, I didn't go to the last practice."

She smiles. "No worries. I have an extra for you."

Nora places the form on my desk, then goes back to her room. We both have subjects to study for today, and I really hated it that the weather was nice.

Luckily, I had some extra time on my hands, just to take breaks and eat a snack or something in between. But, there was something better I had in mind, to pass the time more easily. Something that could clear my mind until I'd be forced to study again.

I open up my journal and start writing.

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