When it all comes crashing down

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I'm numb. I know it's from shock, but my brain is in such a fog I can't register anything.

I looked to my right and all I can see, past the automatic doors, is the snow. I normally love the snow. Living in North Dakota, you have no choice, really, but even the snow Isn't bringing me joy.

I'm brought out of my vast emptiness by the sound of a doctor saying my name. I glance at the doctor, I think he said his name was Dr. Hinds, sorrow is written all over his face; my heart plummets. I see his lips moving, but for the life of me, I can't grasp what he is saying until I hear, "I'm sorry, we did everything we could." after taking a breath he asked, " is there anyone we can call?" I stare at him rapitly blankly, I have no reply. "Do you have any family members that you can pick you up?" the doctor asked again and again I can't reply. With a sad sigh the doctor walks away. I watch as the he stops and says something to a nurse and continues on. I slump back down into the cold hard chair and stare at the moving doors again, feeling nothing.

I don't know how long I've been sitting here, but eventually a middle-aged nurse, with kind eyes, comes over to speak to me. Again, I'm asked, "Is there anyone we can call for you sweetie" again, I say nothing in response. She sighs and walks away. I close my eyes and I can't wrap my mind around how I got here, how this happen. I keep playing the events leading up to zombieness.

It started out like any other day. My mom, who was constantly hovering, making sure everything was safe, is looking stunning tonight. I'm kinda jealous I can't go with her. My parents looked so happy walking out the front door for my dad's annual work Christmas party. That's the last memory I have of my parents. My world came crashing down with a single knock at my door. It was the police. At first, I was confused, why they were there? "Are you Clara Anders?" the police office asked. I nod in reply. In a rush the police officer stated that I needed to come with them and that they would explain everything in the car. It all happen so fast I didn't have time to collect anything I needed.

Thinking about them now brings nothing, but longing. I have no one else. I feel shattered all the way down to my soul.

Suddenly, I'm removed from my memory of my parents by a police officer. She informs me that she is taking me home until they can figure out what to do with me. I guess because I'm almost eighteen they assume I'm fine going home by myself. I nod and follow the officer out.

When we reach my house, I muster all the strength I have, smile and mouth the words 'thank you' before exiting the car.

As I walk into my house, my knees go weak, it hits me hard that they aren't coming back. The house is extremely quiet giving off an eerie feel. For a minute I look around, seeing my parents everywhere; we have made so many memories here.

I finally manage to move my feet into the living room; my mom loved this living room. It has high ceilings with a beautiful fireplace against the back wall. Scattered around the room are happy pictures of us throughout the years. With no strength left in me, I lay down on the navy-blue sectional, wrapping myself in a cocoon of blankets; laying here I watch the embers burnout. Eventually, they lull my hollow soul to sleep.

Stirring from my restless sleep I hear loud banging coming from the front door. At first, I wait for my mother to answer it, I was never allowed to answer the front door. Then it hit me, she's gone. The banging continues, hesitantly I walk toward the door. I must admit I'm a little scared. As I reach for door the knob I pause and take a deep breath building my courage to answer it. When I open the door and see a man standing on the other side of it. He took my breath away. For a second, I thought he was my father:

This man has the same salt and pepper hair.

The same olive colored skin, that comes from being Native American, that my father passed down to me.

The same emerald green eyes as my own.

I shake my head to clear its fogginess, staring at him closely I realized this man was not my father: he has more wrinkles, a larger build, and was a couple inches taller than my father; which made my 5'2" 120 lb. frame feel smaller than normal.

'Uncle William?' I think to myself. The question must have shown on my face because he says, " Yes, it's your uncle my little Clara bear." I don't know if it was because, at that moment, it was like having my father back or realizing that I'm not truly alone in this world, I throw myself into his out stretched arms and started silently sobbing. He holds me tight until I completely drained again.

When I was finally able to catch my breath and calm down, I stepped out of his hold and sign "What are you doing here?" with a bewildering look he says "You lost your mom and dad and I lost my only brother, do you think I would abandon my only niece too? I came as soon as the hospital called me."

Pulling me back into his embrace, with a sad voice he says, "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. The weather was terrible in Oklahoma. I had to wait until this morning to fly out." I forgot how much his voice resembled my fathers. My heart broke at that thought. I have not seen my uncle in seven years, for no other reason than we were all busy with living our own lives. Turning from my uncle I walk into the house. I make my way into the kitchen, not really knowing how to do much because my mother would never let me help. Coffee on the other hand, I know how to make. After starting the coffee, I turn to my uncle and sign, "do you know how long you will be here?"

He looks at me with a confused expression then replies, "Sweet girl, I did not come for a visit, I came to take you home, to Oklahoma, with me!"

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