Eternal Struggle.

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 Aren't the boys yummy looking? 


Lee hears the sound of the truck pulling into the long driveway before he saw it. Sitting up, he peers over Ash's sleeping body from where we were napping in the hayloft. Lee looks through the large barn window and confirmed it was William returning home with their roommate and "family member."

Leaning down, Lee shook Ash from his nap saying, "Hey Ash, they are here. Lets go look. I'm too curious to lay here anymore." Ash makes a low annoyed grunt, but agrees with a nod. Lee can see him getting up from the corner of his eye. They both move over to the large open window, squinting they try to get a better look at the passenger climbing out of the U-haul. When Lee finally gets a good look at her, he gasps, his breath hitches in his throat. The gasping sound is echoed by Ash as well. He smiles to himself, happy that Ash had the same reaction.

The first thing that catches Lee's eye is her alluring tan legs, stepping out of the truck. Moving his eyes up her body, he can't help but notice her petite yet womanly curves. What catches his eye most is her raven hair. The way that the afternoon light is reflected off of it is making Lee's fingers twitch with a sudden urge to run his fingers through it. He started picturing all the ways he wanted to paint her in the future, hopefully in the near future, he thought to himself. Glancing over, he looks at Ash. He was as captivated as Lee was.

It took Ash a minute to make a coherent thought. He was unable to help the wide grin that spread across his face. Instantly he started to imagine all the mischievous ways that the both of them could get into trouble. 'Having a girl on the farm is going to be fun, and it doesn't hurt that she is beautiful either,' Ash thought to himself. Ash's smile falters when he notices a sad emotion suddenly cascade on her face. Both of the men watch her as she turns to follow uncle into the house.

With thoughts of concern Ash turns to Lee and says, "we should go find the other two." Leaning in, Ash places a light kiss on Lee's lips. With a silent agreement,they climb down the loft ladder in search of their brothers.


I know my face looks dumb... I know my mouth is wide open in surprise, but I can't help it. I'm speechless. I'm trying to internally process what my uncle is telling me. He pauses long enough giving me time to think over this new information. I'm thankful for that.

I close my mouth and give him a nod so he knows he can continue on with the conversation.

With a sigh my uncle says, "I know you are freaking out a little, but let me explain..."

Uncle took a deep breath, "About thirteen years ago I had the opportunity to help a boy, that I found living on the streets. When I first meet him outside of the small dinner, begging for some scraps, it was his eyes that broke my heart. I knew I had to do something to help him. He was terrified little boy. I know asking for scraps of food hurt his pride, but I could also see his determination to succeed in life. It didn't take me long to realized he didn't have anywhere to go. So, I opened my door to him." Uncle leans back clicking his tongue. Sighing, he continues, "he will have to tell you the rest. That's his story to tell." Waving his hand in the air, dismissing that thought he says,"I would have never imagined that that little boy would have changed my life." he pauses, "That moment changed my life." My uncle's eyes stare past me. Like he was living that moment again. I didn't interrupt him. I sat there patiently, giving him the same time he just gave me. Finally he looked me in the eyes and began the conversation again, "Shortly after he moved in with me, I realized I could do more with my life than being a bachelor and running a ranch. I started a home for boys that were struggling with things out of their control. Through the years many boys have come and gone, but the four that live here now are the most dear to me. Collectively they have been living here for the past five years. That boy I told you about early still lives with me. He is like a son to me. Truly, all four of the boys are like sons to me." He trailed off saying the last part.

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