Drifting away

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I feel that you are drifting away from me.
I can see you fading off in the distance,
Like the leaves when they die and fall from the trees.
I see you like the waves, they come in so strong.
In the blink of an eye, the current you've just seen is gone.
Just like you can see your breath on a cold winter day.
In that same breath it's gone, it has evaporated away.
I know this relationship is crumbling.
My heart I feel is starting to break.
The tears I try to catch from falling.
If only I knew where I made the mistakes.
My head spins out of contol.
Wondering if I can keep myself together.
I'm trying hard to keep my emotions in tact.
I can't keep you from drifting.
But I lose sleep wondering if you'll drift back.
What did I do?
Did I love you too much?
Did I not give you enough space?
Was I not there when you needed me the most?
Did I not show you enough how much I cared?
I don't understand why you are drifting me from.
I just pray that when it's all said and done.
That you'll drift and find your back to me.
I love you...

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