Hey!! I have chocolate :P....Dude I want Taco Bell

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HEY! Ok Chapter 2 people I didn't want you guys to wait long so I got this up as soon as I could =) hope you hate it,like it, love it. TELL HOW YOU FEEL :D song of the chapter is *drum roll* Riot by Paramore!! love the song

See you all my Dragon People! xx

~~Chapter 2~~

        Fifteen minutes left of school, just fifteen minutes left of this boring hell hole. I stare at my newest book I was reading not careing what Mrs. Bathead was talking about. her real name is Mrs. Borgias, but her nose is so stuck up, like it defies gravity and her head is shaped like an upside down triangle so I gaver her the nickname Mrs. Bathead. We've hated each other for years now.

" Ms.Hawksong do you mind coming back to the real world and answering the chemistry question?"

         Mrs.Bathead screehed, god I hate that woman. I looked up from my book, irritation clearly on my face.

"I don't know  it, now can I get back to my book your boring me to death."

        I sat back down as small laughs echo through the room and her face  turns red as a tomato, I believe thats a new shaped for her.

"Ms.Hawksong go to the principal's office right now. I will not tolerate your behavior in my class!"

         I shrug, grab my back and stick my tounge out at her as I walk out the door. as I was walking out I had a smug look on my face plain as day. Damn I'm horrible it's god-like. I look at my cell phone, I got three hours to kill before dumbass leaves the house, might as well head to the zoo. For a town as small as Forkling we have a zoo but not a Mcdonalds or Taco Bell for fifty miles all around. I plug my buds in my ear and put the music on shuffle slowly singing along to each song as I make my way to the zoo. No one knows I like to sing because that'd get attention from people which would lead to be ending up in prison for life. 


Sorry it's short I'll fix it once I complete it all PINKY PROMISE :D

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