Never gona quit so get use to it---haha

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It's getting good trust meeeehh! :D you guys finding this interesting? any advice?? hope you guys hate it,like it, love it!! OOOO cookies!!! :P song of the chapter Headstrong by Trapt classic song 


~~Chapter 5~~

     Staring up at the ceiling I recalled the last few amazing hours of my life. It was down right amazing. She had the most adorable laugh in the whole earth! It sounded like bells ringing in harmony and hearing her speak was just breath taking. She loved zoos, her favorite animals were bats. Her history was a brutal one from her expression was when I asked. The best part was she just moved here from Kingston a month ago to live with her aunt Jinnel and she’s starting school tomorrow. Which I’d have to say is amazing. Smiling to myself I went to my closet thinking. What should I wear that will impress her? Maybe the retro tomboy look or the shy misunderstood girl? I shook my head, I think I’m going crazy. Why would I change who I am for such a girl like her? I mean she’s so adorable, her laugh, those deep blue... Wait! Am I really crushing on a girl here?! This can’t be happening I’m straight, or at least I thought I was.

        I fell back on my bed and scream into my pillow. I’m so confused its making my head pound. I tried getting her out of my head by blasting music, but that failed miserably. She talked about her plans to get away from here when she’s done with high school and go to france for an art major. Fact that she has her own demons and she wish would go away, but knows that they won’t when she looks at herself in the mirror. She showed me her arms in the cafe and all there was was skin and bones. I go up, cracking my shoulders and hands. I grabbed my dead gear (that’s what I call all my murder shit; the whip, mask, jacket, black kicks, and my trusty ipod) before heading out my window into the dark night, ready for the hell to rain down on this town.

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