SORRY!! I'll make it all better

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What's up everyone!! it's chapter 3 WHOO! soo alittle about me. I love horror and action things, but I can't watch horror movie XP I'k I'm weird. DON'T judge!! anyway hope you hate it, like it, love it. Lets get this thing started!! Song of the chapter *trumpets sound off* My Own Worst Enemy by Lit

Loveyou all My Dragon People!

~~Chapter 3~~

        I get to the door sign of the zoo and stare up at it. The lion is standing in fron raring, the elephant with its massive trunk high in the air, all kinds of birds flying around at the top of the sign. The tall yellow giraffe standing tall and way back is the mighty gorilla, it's chest out and looking cofident as ever. I head to the food stand and buy a drink and an apple before I start walking around watching the animals. As I watch I enjoy each one greatly with their amazing beauty and grace. The pink flamingos with their lightly colored feathers and precise balance. The rhinos' laid back style, yet so aware of what is around her. Also watching her young as it runs around full of new found energy. The meerkats with their  elaborate tunnels and clicks. So intelligent, but yet so small annd fragile. I throw my drink in the recycle bin and sit on the bench right in front of the gorilla cage and watch in amazement. I have always found these bigcreatures my favorite Their fur is so soft, how the their face tells a story of being taken from their home. How sad they are leaking through the scars they have. Yet when you look even closer you see something you normally you wouldn't see,pride. They scream pride from their core like it's the only thing keeping them alive. I'm always filled with new love for these dieing creatures. I sigh and look at my cell phone, it's ten to six. Might as well head home I have a long night ahed for me. I start heading out when I spot this beautiful black-green haired girl running into me.

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