I have viewers! my heart's racing

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OMG THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY READING!! I'k It's not the best, but it still means alot! :D ok fourth chapter here we go! hate it, like it, love it LET ME KNOW :P song of the chapter!! The Kids aren't alright by Offspring! :D

seeya my Dragon people

~~Chapter 4~~

        We both fall to the floor with a thud. I look at this beautiful angel on top of me and I'm just staring like a freak with her mouth wide open. I sit up and rub my head,

"Well hey there" I laugh "you goin somewhere?"All she does is whip her head around and scrambles to get up. "Hey girl, is someone coming after you or something?" I snap my fingers in her face and she looked at me for the first time. Her eyes dark blue like the deep sea. There breath taking and so beautiful.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know where I was going. Some prick of a guy tried to jump me frombehind and I got away to find some help."

        That's when I notice the huge bruises on her pale skin. "I'm going to kick this pricks ass for you and afterwards you join me for some tea at the cafe in town,deal?"

She blinks,smiles then nods at me "Deal, names Firefly by the way." She helps me up and we brush off the dust.

"Mines Nix, now where is this prick?"

        We startheading down South St toward the cafe iin town, when she jumps behind me and points at this big man about 6" 3' big build and mean looking. I size up my prey and stalk over.

"Hey freak show! Are you the asshole that tried to pull one on my friend back there?" I point in her direction and notice a quick flash of a dirty grin cross his face, but vanishes quickly when he sees me watching.

"Well no, not at all ma'am she's my niece and I've been looking for her."

        I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Whatever, that still doesn't give youthe right to try and pull one on her. You're like twenty years older than her so would you please stop it and leave her alone. I really don't feel like breaking your preciese face. This gets his attention and stands up tall now and sizes me up.

"Like you could do any harm to me? What you going to bitch-slap me you little whore."

        I click my tounge, move real close to him. Thats when I jab at his pecker real nice and hard (which I have to admit is really fucking small). Next I snap both his arms in half at the elbows making sure to cover his mouth from screaming to loud. I look around to make sure no one was watching then whisper into his ear,

         "You harm any other person wahts so ever I will hunt you down and kill you with more pleasure than you know."

         With that I kick his left knee to the side popping it out of place before strolling back leaving him to hobble to the nearest hospital. Firefly comes over to me wided eyed and speechless.

"How the hell did you do all that! I mean the guy was at least twice your size."

I shrug and look around, "My mom taught me some self-defence when I was younger. Anyways want to have a drink, the cafe is right there."

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