forty three

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Saturday | 9:48 a.m

Renée's P. O. V.

I woke up, feeling fingers twirling my hair. I opened my eyes and noticed Daniel staring at me.

"Watching me sleep, huh?" I asked.

"I can't help it, you're so beautiful," he whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead. I blushed and turned my face into his chest.

"Come on, I heard Paige and Mason, I think, in the kitchen."

We both sat up and got up, pulling the covers back up to make the bed. I threw my hair up into a bun and quickly brushed my teeth with Daniel before we went out to the kitchen.

Zach was sitting on the couch holding Jaelyn in his arms with Paige next to him.

"You're up early," I commented, drawing their attention.

"Jaelyn woke him up so he just came out here. There's muffins in the kitchen," Paige told us.

"I'll get one in a minute, let me see my little niece," I said, walking towards Zach.

I sat next to Zach and he handed me Jaelyn. I held her in my arms and smiled, talking quietly to her. She was only about two months old.

"How's school, Renée?" Paige asked.

"It's good, not much to tell." I shrugged my shoulders. "Have you gone back to school?"

"Yeah, I went back last week. The hardest part was being away from Jae. People asked me questions and I'd answer, but I didn't care of they judged me for anything."

"What about your ex?" I asked.

"He has a new girlfriend now. It was hard at first, seeing him with her, but then I think about how much of an asshole he was to me. I don't know, I just try not to focus on anyone."

"So he hasn't caused any problems?"

"No, he avoids me. I guess he's worried I'll tell everyone the truth, but I don't care enough. If he's too scared to own up to it, I don't want people knowing anyway."

"Yeah. Well I'm glad you're not letting anyone bother you," I told her. I kissed Jaelyn's head then handed her back to Zach.

"Let's get a muffin," I told Daniel. We went to the kitchen and grabbed two blueberry muffins. I grabbed the bottle of apple juice from the fridge and poured us both glasses.

We sat at the table and ate our muffins.

"What time do you wanna go see your dad?" Daniel asked.

" soon as we can, if that's okay?"

"Yeah sure. I'll tell Zach when we're finished."

I nodded and continued eating. We finished and put our dishes away, heading back to the living room.

"Hey Zach, we're gonna leave in about an hour to go see her dad."

"Oh, okay." He handed Jaelyn to Paige with a smile, then headed to the den.

Daniel and I went to the guest room to get ready. I showered first, then changed into some jeans, a white tshirt, and a teddy bear jacket.

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