News- chapter 6

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You yawned and reluctantly got out of bed. It was yet another typical school day. You changed into your uniform and went downstairs. You forgot your brother was now staying with you. "N/n!" You looked over to see that your brother had made breakfast for you. "Thanks!" You thanked him as you walked over to the meal.

You were enjoying your meal when the door bell rang. "Ah, must be Katsuki." You informed as you went to get the door. True enough, it was Bakugou. "Hey!" "Hey. You done?" Bakugou asked. "No I'm eating breakfast. Come on in!" You invited him in. It's really nice of Bakugou to come all the way to your house just to walk to school with you. He had to sit the train to come to your house then take another one to school. You smiled at his actions and closed the door. "Bakugou! Want some breakfast?" Your brother asked. "Nah. I ate." Bakugou informed as he plopped down the couch.

Once you were done, you grabbed your bag from the stand and walked over to Bakugou. "Let's go!" You said as he stood up and head out. "Bye!" You said as you head out. The two of you walked side by side in a peaceful silence. You took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. You blushed as you felt a huge, warm hand wrapped around yours. You looked over to see Bakugou blushing and looking away. You smiled "Katsuki!" You called as you leaned over to him, your face and his barely touching. "Wha-" Bakugou turned around and was interrupted when your lips clashed onto his. He immediately dominated and turned it into a passionate kiss.

You pulled away slowly and panted. You were sure that the kiss lasted for at least a minute. You looked up at Bakugou and smiled. "Let's go" Bakugou nodded and the two of you walked to school hand in hand.

It was yet another exhausting day. Aizawa sensei made y'all do extreme quirk trainings in the morning, Mina and the others kept on teasing you and Bakugou, making the two of you blush hard at their questions and statements. Bakugou nearly exploded the whole classroom in frustration and embarrassment. You wondered when you'll get used to their teasing.

After a few hours which felt like centuries, it was time to fill your belly. You were particularly hungry today so you sprinted to the cafeteria, ignoring Bakugou's calls for you. No matter how early you were, the cafeteria is always packed. You joined the queue and waited patiently for your turn. Your stomach was growling furiously, it was embarrassing. You hid your bright red face by looking at your shoes.

"Y/n." The call made you jumped at how serious it sounded. You turned your head to see Bakugou walking towards you. "S-sorry.. I was extremely hungry so I sprinted here" Bakugou scoffed. "You dumbass. Sprinting would only make you hungrier. Besides, I brought you lunch already." Bakugou informed as he lifts up a plastic bag to your face. "Well why didn't you say so?" "YOUR DUMBASS SPRINTED TO THE CAFETERIA BEFORE I COULD EVEN GO UP TO YOUR DESK" "...true."

The two of you ended up eating on the roof due to the insufficient amount of seats in the cafeteria. Bakugou made you a teriyaki bento. He was a great cook. "Ahhhhhh this is so good I could eat this all day!!" You said happily as you munched down your food. "That would come true...if we get married and live together." Bakugou smirked. "I-isn't that a little e-early?" You blushed. "Hmm we can get married right after we graduate and fight villains together and be called 'The Duo'!!" You chuckled at Bakugou's expression. His eyes were sparkling like a child's who met its favourite hero. You smiled and thought if you could graduate together.

The boring day ended..Bakugou walking you home, as usual. You waved goodbye to him and opened the door. Your brother seemed to not be home. You shrugged and made yourself instant noodles as dinner. After clearing up everything, you headed to your room and did your homework.

You yawned and looked at the time. 12am. No sound from outside your room, you wondered where your brother could be at this hour. "Probably working late again." You closed your books and went to bed.
You were awoken by the sound of your door creaking open. You looked over to see a tall figure standing at your door. "Y/n..". It was your brother. "Can I.....can I talk to you?" Oh dear.

Its been awhile haha I had two exams and another one coming up. Fak my life haha.

Wordcount: 794 words

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