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This is the first poem I've ever written. I don't like it, but I'll keep it up for everyone to see :)

Everyday I go outside

I laugh a lot

I laugh so much, heck, it annoys people

I'm obsessed with weird things

(And that makes me weird)

I basically look like the happiest person

That you'd meet all day.

But inside...

I'm broken, like I'm torn to shreds

I feel alone, even though I know I'm not

I constantly feel incapable.



Done with life.

Because of the looks you give me everyday.

The 'You're mental' comments.

The 'Go to hell' orders.

The 'Why are you like this?' Questions.


These are what bring me down everyday.

I hope you're proud of yourselves

Because you've just contributed

To the many factors

That make me feel the way I do.

Thank you,

For everything you haven't done.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect.

But I'm learning.

I'm learning from every scar,

Every tear in my heart,

Everytime I fail.

I'm learning self-control.

I'm trying to be the best I can.

I keep on telling myself,

'It's okay,

You can do this.'

In the end,

I'll rise from the ashes.

I'll make my mark.

And, hopefully then,

Your words and insults

Will be meaningless to me.

Because I will rise.

I will.

Your opinions cannot

And will not

Shape who I was,

Who I am,

Or who I will become.

All I need is a light to guide me

Out of the darkness

And into the bright side of life.

Venting In VersesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang