Chapter one

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Hayden was laying on her bed, wrapped up in several blankets, staring at the profile picture of the young brunette waiting for her response.

She couldn't suppress a smile when she finally saw the little symbol in the left upper corner of her phone light up, indicating that Vera was texting her back.

And she couldn't help but smile even more when she got the reply: "Haha. Cute."

The text was quickly followed by a "But where'd you get my number from and why'd you text me?" though, making Hayden's smile disappear. Vera surely wouldn't believe her if she told her the truth so she stretched said a little to not risk gaining the brunette's distrust, by texting her back: "I dialed the wrong number, I thought you were my sister and only realized you're not when I saw your profile picture after I had already texted you. Sorry :x"

"Haha. Yeah no problem. ^^", followed a few minutes later.

And that was it.

Hayden kept staring at her phone but the brunette was not online anymore. Shit. She rubbed her head trying to think of a way to bring up a conversation. But what could she say? "But since we're already talking: Hi I'm Hayden"? No. Or yes? ... well actually that wasn't that bad, was it?

Or rather "You are pretty though :D"? No, might go to far. She already flirted and the response didn't seem that good.

Mh... how about something like "Sooo since you're not my sister, who are you?". Might be too forward.

And from all the thinking she didn't even realize she had gotten a text, so when she unlocked her phone again to settle for the first option she was quite surprised to find a text from Vera saying: "Well.. you're not my sister, so who are you? ^^"

Yeah what a irony right? Great minds think alike as it seems.

Hayden smiled and instantly texted back her name and asked for Vera's although she already knew the beauty's name but she had to play her role well to make sure the girl would not get a sense of what was really going on.

And so their conversation went on all night. A pretty blonde trying to go through with her plan and an even prettier brunette thinking it all were a funny incident.

Oh what little did Vera know... 

The girl from the other side of the internet (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें