Chapter two

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It had been a bright spring morning when my sister and I had been on our way of driving to the supermarket to buy some groceries for the upcoming week.

She had been 16 Years old by that time and I had been the driver. I had been good at driving, else I wouldn't have let her ride with me. I had had my driver's license for two years by then and had never made any mistake before. Until that day.

It had been the day that my girlfriend and I had fought. She had wanted to meet my family but I had told her that I wasn't ready yet. I had loved her – I still do, so I think at least – but my family had been a mess – now without me it seems they've gathered themselves though – and I had been so scared she would leave me if she met them. So after the fifth fight about it I had said something stupid and so hurtful she broke up with me. And not only had she done that but she had also blocked me everywhere. She had left me no space or way to reach her. Thinking about how I had found out about her having blocked me pains me to no end...

But to get back to the point: I had been unconcentrated, I should've had never started the car that day. Eventually we had an accident, we crashed against a tree.

Long story short: luckily my sister survived. I on the other hand didn't.

By now it has been a long time ever since I was material, ever since I consisted of molecules and cells.

I'd say my body has been consumed by the earth by now and the only thing about me left is this.

My senses – I can see, from far above, hear, even if a little dull, understand feeling and thoughts –, my memories, I remember every second of my life, even the moments I wouldn't remember when I was alive, and lastly my love.

Latter I mean in both ways, it is my feeling of love, my understanding of love, my ability to love that is left inside of me, and it is the girl I loved when I was alive, who is left on your world.

I would love to tell you more about me but it is my job to tell you the story about the girl I loved and about my sister - two people who couldn't be more different - so I can find my peace with this and let her go.

So, back to Hayden and Vera.

The next morning Vera barely remembered what had happened the night before. She awoke to the sound of her girlfriend's key's in the door and smiled sleepily. Her mind was fully clouded by sleep. Sleep here. Sleep there. Even the sleep slept in her sleep. Yeah, sleep. Sleep sounds good, she thought. "Yeah, sleep is great", she mumbled to herself closing her eyes again.

"Hey, sleeping beauty", her girlfriend quietly whispered next to her. "Mmpf. Sleep", Vera mumbled again, barely understandable. Her girlfriend laughed.

"You laugh too loud", Vera mumbled groaning.

"I thought you loved my laughter", the girlfriend whispered smiling and softly kissed Vera's cheek. Vera just nodded. Her limbs were too limb and her mind waaay too tired and her girlfriend, who's name was Alex by the way, could tell. She knew the twenty two years old woman good enough by now. They had already been dating for a year and just a few weeks ago Vera had finally given her her own keys. It had been about time because being honest, Alex had practically lived with Vera from about the beginning of their relationship. She just never had had an official key. Now she had.

Alex reached out under the blanked and stroked Vera's arm softly. She enjoyed how soft her skin felt and she loved the smile that played on Vera's lips whenever she stroke her arm, rubbed her back or massaged her head. Vera loved being petted. If she hadn't become a human, she surely would've made for a great cat. Cute, possessive of what's hers and loved being petted. Maybe a bit too much for a cat. And you surely couldn't deny that this girl had her own head. And you couldn't deny either that Vera got what she wanted most of the time. The look in her eyes when she asked for something and the smile on her lips and in her eyes were just too delicious to resist her wants. Very much like a cat. And we should not forget how much Vera loved, adored and needed her sleep.

Definitely a cat.

Alex was very certain she loved the brunette. Yes, she knew she did and she knew Vera loved her back and that made her the happiest woman in the world.

"What are you thinking about?", Vera asked softly, finally opening those brown eyes again.

Alex smiled: "How good of a cat you would've been."

Vera chuckled. Then she crocked her head a bit and whispered: "What do you mean 'would have'?" She reached out her hand to her girlfriends back and scratched it a little making a meow-sound. Alex's eyes fell close from the feeling and Vera very much enjoyed that sight. She smiled more knowing exactly what she was doing to Alex. She loved how the redhead could go from dominant to putty in her hands by just a simple touch or word.

She loved her brown eyes, she loved her smile. Yes, she simply loved Alex and she thought herself to be the happiest girl on earth because she ended up with the beauty. They would even playfully fight about it sometimes.

There was probably not any couple happier than these two lovesick puppies.

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