Chapter 10: Fell Better

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While Bowser and Mario were arguing a little, Luigi groaned and started to wake up, he saw that Bowser and Mario were arguing. Luigi said, "Stop, please stop arguing because I don't like it when you guys argue", then Luigi groaned and both Mario and Bowser quickly speed run to Luigi and both of them said, "Luigi don't struggle, you're wounded and you need a lot of rest." Luigi opened his eyes again and touched both of Mario and Bowser's hand and said, "please stop fighting because if you guys don't get along, I can't handle this issue, Mario, I'm sorry that I didn't text you because I got distracted and I didn't remind myself about you." Mario said, "it's okay bro just don't make me worried anymore and please tell me when your dating or where you are", Luigi nodded and then tried to sit up more and then groaned very hard because he was very weak and he couldn't do anything. Bowser helped him sit up a little and then Luigi said, "Ouch! That hurts very bad, don't be there", Bowser promptly got his hand out of his back and then saw a huge burn scar on his back quickly recovering. Bowser got upset and let Luigi do the rest, Luigi sighed and then said to Bowser, "I-is Junior okay?" Bowser nodded and then Luigi sighed again and then Bowser said, "Hey Luigi we are going to go use the bathroom right, okay?" Luigi nodded and then started to sleep for a little bit until someone came inside the room and then started to lock the door and started to touch Luigi sexually. Luigi started to wake up because he felted hands touching him and Luigi thought it was Bowser and when he opened his eyes it was Waluigi that was touching him when he started to kiss Luigi on the cheek and Luigi tried to resist until Waluigi started to get the rope he brought and started to tie up his hands, legs, and his body. Luigi noticed that Marion was sleeping next to the wall, Luigi tried to yell Mario's name but Waluigi put a tiny cloth inside Luigi's mouth and put tape on Luigi's mouth. Mario started to wake up and then saw Waluigi trying to take Luigi from him, Mario punch Waluigi and then  Waluigi punch him back and kicked him right in the stomach and Mario was groaning because it hurts when someone kicks you in the stomach very hard. Luigi muffled screamed Mario's name and then there was a knock on the door, it was Bowser knocking and then said, "Mario, Luigi? What are you doing in there?"  Waluigi smirked, got Luigi in a bridal style, and said, "This is paid back when you beat the shit out of me! Now let's see if you can save your lovely Luigi cause he's mine and only mine!?" bowser got vicious and started to bang on the door and slowly cracking the door. Waluigi was starting to get worried that he's going to get his ass kicked, so Waluigi whistle and then boos came inside and got a chair then they threw it at the window all of the boos got Waluigi and Luigi. Bowser Opened the door and saw the boos take is lovely boyfriend and helped Mario up and wondering what will they do to get Luigi back.

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