Lilith Meets Reconnect

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

"Oh my gosh!" Riley screamed "Lil?"

"Flower Girl?" Maya gasped at the same time.

"Golden Girls?" Lilith started to feel tears pricking the corners of her eyes "Is it really you?"

"Yes!" They hugged and jumped up and down.

"You look so different!" Maya stared at the thin girl before her.

"So do you!" Lilith squeezed the life out of Riley "You've both grown up so much. I've missed you guys. Where are the boys?"

"Lucas is studying to be a veterinarian, Farkle is studying business so he can take over Minkus International, and Zay is learning to be a professional ballet dancer." Maya told the dark haired beauty.

"I'm learning to be a lawyer!" Riley cheered.

"And I'm learning how to be a teacher." Maya smiled.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you guys!" Lilith hugged the two again.

"What are you studying?" Riley asked.

"I'm undeclared." Lilith rolled her eyes "I can't believe you both are here!"

"I know!" Riley squealed "Come on Bay Window! Bay window right now!" She grabbed Lilith and Maya's arms and dragged them to her dorm room.

Back in the common room everybody who had witnessed the reunion started clapping. The girls stepped back in and took a bow.

The trio headed back to Riley's room to catch up and talk. When they got there Lilith turned and hugged her friends again.

"I just can't believe it." She muttered into their shoulders, then she looked at Maya again "Are you mad at me for dating Josh for so long?"

"I was," Maya told her "but I've grown and gotten over it. I know you didn't do it to hurt me."

Lilith let out a sob and threw herself into the blonde's arms "I'm still so so sorry!" She wept "I should never have done it once I found out you liked him."

"Shh," Maya shushed the crying girl "It's okay now. I understand."

"Sorry," Lilith wiped her eyes "I can't help but break down sometimes."

"That's okay." Riley soothed and hugged her other friend "Let it out."

After more tears and hugging the three girls sat down in Riley's bay window.

"So..." Lilith began "What's happened since I've been gone?"

"We figured out the triangle." Maya told her "Lucas chose Riley and Josh and I decided to play the long game."

"You and Josh?" Lilith asked and Maya nodded nervously "Well I hope it turns out better for you than it did with me."

"Yeah. I told him if he tries something like that again I'll kick his butt." Maya smiled evilly.

"Good. I'll join you." Lilith laughed "How are you and Lucas doing Riley?"

"Great!" Riley pulled her knees to her chest "He's wonderful and nice and kind and I really really like him. We actually have a date tonight."

"Ooh!" Lilith smirked "Lucky you!"

"Yeah," Riley grinned stupidly "What about you? Are you dating anyone?"

"I was." Lilith sighed "His name was Dylan and we worked together. Then I caught him kissing some model and found out he was just using me to gain some fame for himself to jumpstart his career. So I dumped him."

Riley hugged her again "Aww Lil, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, I liked him, it sucked. But I'm over it."

"Have you dated anyone since?" Maya asked.

"" Lilith thought about it before answering.

"Are you really over it?" Maya questioned.

"Him? Absolutely. The pain and betrayal? Not so much." Lilith tried to joke "But really, he was a jerk and I'm over him."

"Good." Riley crossed her arms "He sounds mean."

Lilith laughed "Very." She agreed.

"So, Flower Girl, we heard you're a big time movie star now. How's that going?" Maya asked curiously.

"Fine. I guess. It's work, you know?" Lilith shrugged.

"We saw all your movies." Maya offered.


"Because we wanted to see how you were doing." Riley smiled at the now scowling Lilith.

"That wasn't me in those films." Lilith snapped "And it never will be me." She stood up "I'm sorry guys but I'm really tired. I'll see you tomorrow." And she hurried out the door.

"Lil!" Riley called "Wait!" But Lilith was already gone "What happened Peaches?" Riley asked.

"I don't know Riles. But something's wrong."

A knock on the door pulled the two friends out of their thoughts.

Riley jumped up "Lil?" She asked, pressing her face against the door.




"Oh," Riley sighed "Come on in." She opened the door.

The three boys entered the room and sat down with Maya in the bay window. Riley stayed with her face pressed against the door.

"Um...?" Zay asked "Whatcha doing there Riley?"

"I'm hoping. I'm waiting. I'm doing a lot of things." Riley sighed.

Zay looked at Maya "Translation?"

"She's waiting for Flower Girl to come back. She kinda stormed out and-"

"Wait!" Farkle said "Flower Girl? Like Lilith Pane Flower Girl?"

"The one and only. She's back in New York." Maya explained "We met at game night and came up here to talk."

"Woah!" All the boys said together.

"What are the odds?" Zay asked incredulously "I mean seriously?!"

"It's crazy, right?" Riley sighed and looked around "Do you remember the day she left?"

Silently everyone nodded, recalling the harsh words exchanged that day. They all felt sad as they were carried back in time.

Lucas remembered the lesson that day, Natalie Wood, the movie star. Farkle remembered how her mother forced her to be a star. Maya remembered tying to catch up to Lilith as she got into a big black car. Riley remembered how she had to comfort her best friend after Lilith drove away. Zay remembered the sandwich he had that day, a meatball sub, it was a good sandwich.

Word count: 968 words

Okay. What do you think? I hope it's good. Sorry it took so long to update. Please comment, vote, and add to your reading lists!!!
The Author

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