Lilith Meets Why

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Lilith stood outside Riley and Maya's dorm room the next day. She was in shock. They had betrayed her. One of them took that video of her singing that day in high school and had posted it to YouTube. And they hadn't told her. Even after they became friends. How dare they?

She sighed and turned away from the door. She needed some air.

Sure, she was thrilled to be in Hamilton. But she didn't want to only be in it because she was famous. To only be in a Broadway show for her name to draw a crowd would make her feel worthless and awful.

Lilith walked away, down the stairs, and out the door. She was too mad to speak. Instead she decided to go for a walk in Central Park. As she walked around aimlessly her phone rang.

It was Dylan. Her latest ex. But, without thinking, Lilith picked up the phone.


"Lily, baby! Thank God you picked up! I've missed you!" Dylan's voice was smooth and charming but hearing it made her wince.

"Dylan? What the hell do you want?" Lilith sighed.

"Baby, I miss you. Can't we try again? I promise I'll change. I'll be better." Dylan pleaded.

"No. You cheated on me to many times. I gave you chance after chance and you couldn't figure out that it hurt me every time you broke my heart." Lilith started to rant "I can't, I won't give you another chance to hurt me like that. You know what happened with my first boyfriend. Now, never call me again or I will get a restraining order."

Lilith hung up and stomped down the path. It was getting late as she made her way back to her dorm room. She was in an even worse mood than she was before she started walking. Why did stupid Dylan have to call her. He made everything worse.


Dylan was on the sofa making out with some D-list actress. He slid his hands under her shirt just as the door opened and Lilith walked in. Her jaw dropped.

"Dylan?!" She screeched "What are you doing?"

Quickly, her jerk of a boyfriend pushed the actress off of himself "Babe, please, I can explain."

"Shut up! Shut up right now!" Lilith pointed at the actress "Get out. Now."

Slightly afraid of the star's tone of voice, the girl scurried out of the penthouse.

Lilith rounded on Dylan "What was that?"

"Baby, listen," Dylan was thinking so hard that smoke was practically shooting out of his ears "I-I-I only did it because you won't do anything beyond a kiss."

"Oh, you're trying to pin this on me?" Lilith was enraged.

"No, baby, no. I just have needs, that's all. I'm a man. You know. You get it. Right?" Dylan lied smoothly.

The truth was that he was only dating Lilith for her looks, money, and fame. He hoped that by dating her his own star would rise. But she wouldn't even let his hands north or south of the equator. This pissed him off because she was hot. So he took out his anger at her by cheating and making her feel guilty, worthless and ugly.

"BS!" Lilith exclaimed "That excuse may have worked the first time but now, after three times, I'm sick of it. Get out."

"What? You can't be serious." Dylan scoffed.

"Oh, yeah?" Lilith raised an eyebrow "Try me. I pay for this place. I let you stay here for free. I'm kicking you out. Now you have ten minutes to pack your things. Then I want you out of my life. Forever."

Lilith Meets World (Sequel to Girl Meets Lilith) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now