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Amanda's pov

   I'm frozen on my feet and didn't felt the tears falling as I stare at the pregnancy test. I.. I'm pregnant. Slowly the shock turned into a smile. I'm pregnant! I hope Simon would be happy.

*door opening*

Speaking of...

"Babe? Is that you." I called from the toilet. And when I heard no response I decided to go and take a look. As walking down the stairs I noticed that the door was left open. Slowly I walk down the stairs and then I felt someone tickled me on my side and made me scream.

"Gotcha!" Simon.

"Simon! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said seriously but smiling while facing him. We looked at each other and kissed. After pulling away from being out of breath we looked at each other.

"I have news!" We said at the same time that made us laugh. We walked into the leaving room and sat.

"Ladies first" he said. What a gentleman, I thought.

I'm smiling at him while slowly showing him the pregnancy test.

So guys here's my surprise! Should I do simanda oneshots next?? Open to suggestions here!
Thank y'all 😘😘😘

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