The Bishop of the Flies

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There are words you have been told

From the darkest, penned from old,

For other reasons you've been taught,

So the original meaning has been forgot.

Kill the beast,

Cut its throat,

Dine and feast,

Burn the goat,

Spill Its blood,

Bash him in,

Forget what's good,

Swim is your sin.

Who is the one who hears your cries?

Who reminds you everyone dies?

Who proclaimed to you these lies?

Why, none other than the Bishop of the Flies.

He slithers his way into your life,

Succeeding in almost all he tries,

He brings you into turmoil and strife,

And delivers you to the Lord of the Flies.

Beware the deceivers prophet,

Using lawlessness and words of gold,

Or let the Bishop of the Flies out of the pit,

And forget the words of old.

Kill the beast,

Cut its throat,

Dine and feast,

Burn the goat,

Spill its blood,

Bash him in,

Forget ALL that is good,

And BURN in your sin.

Forget all you should,

Embrace in others cries,

Do all evil that you could,

And relent the Bishop of the Flies.

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