My Grandmother

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My grandmother visited me a couple days after Mrs. Kennedy confirmed her knowledge of me. My grandmother was French women named Fleur Marine De La Fointaine. She was known widely for having affairs with presidents, actors, and dignitaries. Apple meet Tree...  In her youth, my grandmother was a beauty, much like I was considered, she had good cheekbones and spoke French. 

She also had the French way of thinking about sex. Love and Marriage were not one in the same. My grandfather, Claude, was a lovely man who was already married when he met her. He had put all his efforts in having the affair with my grandmother. They were married all of my mothers childhood.

"The Kennedy's are coming on Friday." My father told us over dinner. All my married siblings were there and they were excited.  My grandmother was watching my reaction. I was always her favorite and was the most similar to her.  I kept my face neutral. 

My grandmother and I had a tradition. We would stay up late, discuss our recently read books, and music. My grandmother would speak French and I would respond. We would open a bottle of red wine which she travelled with from France and discuss my relationships (if I had any) and hers. She was always romantically tangled with someone, older or younger, it didn't matter. 

That night, it was pointed.  My grandmother wanted to talk about the president. The youthful first couple, the president with the brilliant eyes and smile, and the many, many reports (hidden) of women. 

I don't know why but I assumed she knew. 

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