Day Two: Promise

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  Sweet Frisk. Sweet, sweet Frisk. What a lovely soul. What a lovely, delicate soul she has. A fragile yet unmoving one. That's the soul I have the chosen responsibility to care for; to make sure it's well being is safe and keep it away from any potential harm. As well as the owner of this soul. I must make sure she's well and listened to; I must make sure she knows how much I love her and care for her; she must know that I'll always be here for her no matter what. She may not be completely mine...yet, but, regardless, it's my responsibility that I am very proud to say that I have.

  "Sans?" Frisk's feeble voice asked from below me. Frisk came to mine and Papyrus' house after a long day at work and rushed to my room and collapsed into me while I was in the middle of reading a book while being all snuggled up in my bed, all while trying not to cry. I immediately noticed it and asked her what was wrong. At first, she refused to tell me. I eventually told her she can trust me with anything and that's when it all fell out in one, big sputter while releasing all her tears and the sadness she was trying to not show.  

  It didn't take but a day for everyone to hear about me and Frisk getting together after the day that we did. This caused harassment from people who hated monsters and already didn't like her for supporting us; when they heard that Frisk got in a relationship with one, they were fuming. They would call Frisk a monster slut or say that she's a disgrace to humans or say that she's missing a big opportunity to be with a "real" person. Frisk didn't want to tell anybody because she felt like it wasn't their place to worry about what she's going through and especially if it's the result of a choice she chose to make. I told her she shouldn't think that way and we both made that chose together. I told her that hurting herself by not telling anybody like that isn't okay and everyone is in this together whether she liked it or not. She slurred a quiet 'thank you' before giving me a quivering kiss on the cheek and laid back down under my chin before slowly falling asleep like that with me sitting up and almost her whole torso laying on its side on my chest while the rest of her body was in between my legs while I was caressing her back. I texted Toriel to tell her that Frisk was going to get there a while later and she seemed to understand because she said it was alright without a second thought.

  "Hm?" I hummed. She must have just woken up by the sound of her voice. I was still holding her the same way I was when she fell asleep.

  "...I just wanted to thank you again, you have no idea how much it means to me" she rasped quietly.

  "Hey, no problem, don't ever feel like you are bothering or burdening any of your friends and especially me with your problems; I love to see you happy and I hate seeing you like this and I would be more than grateful to help you get out of those situations—even if it means getting off my butt" I chuckled at the last part but I one hundred percent meant it. She silently laughed at it too.

  She suddenly hugged me really tight and said once again (this time, with more emotion), "thank you so much, Sans! Your the best person I could be with!". I felt myself lightly blush from the compliment.

  "Your so welcome, and, hey, I know I don't like making promises but-" I inhaled before continuing "I'll make this one for you: I don't know what will happen in the future but, I will tell you that I promise I'm not going anywhere anytime soon; even if we...separate, I'll still love you and want the very best for you, just...promise me you won't hide things like this anymore?". Frisk looked up at me with grace in her eyes, thinking about what I asked of her before sighing.

  "If you promise to all that for me, how can I say no? Of course, I will, no more hiding, I'll tell you the truth, I promise it" Frisk acquiesced. Hearing her say it made me release the tension I didn't even know I had.

"Thank you, Frisk"


(A\N: ...I told everyone I thought I wasn't gonna make this chapter out by today but I WAS WRONG!! >:D YAY!! (Even though it's 9:30 P.M.). Btw, this is probably the shortest chapter I've made in both of my stories and the reason I got it out this late even though it's a short chapter is that I was having...cramps...and I slept for the majority of the day. XDD 

I'm making Sans why to bashful and cheesy in this series, next year, I need to chill a little bit. XDD Also, I felt like this chapter was so iconic and very unoriginal but, I think it's not bad enough to not publish so...yeahhhh...

Btw, who likes the show "the flash"? The song above comes from the soundtrack and it's AWESOME! I love The Flash's soundtrack and I felt like this particular one fit this chapter.

I don't know what's wrong with me, lately, I haven't been very happy and I don't even know why! I don't know why I'm so upset and I don't even know where it's coming from! I've always sorta been feeling lazy and dull but never unhappy! Thing is, I think it's affecting my writing but I'm not sure. I feel like my writing quality is going down and it sucks. I feel unmotivated to answer a lot of my notifications and write and I've always been super passionate about that kinda stuff! I run out of ideas for stories which didn't happen before because my mind was always buzzing with ideas all throughout the day. Your lucky I'm telling about this because I don't usually since I was told a lot not to complain about yourself or things going on around you on social media because you don't want to give people that image of you (which I do actually think is true, people care about you but they don't wanna hear about your problems 24\7), I felt like talking about this is harmless though because I'm not really saying anything super bad. Anyway, I hope this problem doesn't last long because I wouldn't want my Flowerfell story suffering from this, I want that fic to be the best one I wrote yet) Goodbye, my little reed blossoms; have a BReasy day!!♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ).

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