Day Three: Comfort

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  "SANS!" Frisk was giggling so hard. "You need to go now, I can't focus with you being here all like this".

  "Aw, but you're always busy! I barely get any time to have quality time with you!" I playfully whined, partly trying to coax her to take a break from work. She turned to face me and reached up to place a hand on my cheek, giving me a sweet smile.

  "I'm flattered, Sans, but I really need to get this done," she told him before facing back to her computer. I sighed and let go of her from holding her around her shoulders. "Besides, don't you have a whole grocery store you own that you need to work at?" she addressed in hopes of taking my mind off the present situation.

  "It's Sunday" I reminded her. She seemed caught off guard by that with the way she slightly jumped.

  "O-oh yeah, now I remember; I'm starting to forget dates" she laughed sheepishly. I closed my eyes and sighed.

  "It's alright, I guess just..." I put a hand on her shoulder "tell me when you have a break, m'kay? I'll be chatting with your mother in the meantime, I suppose". She turned back to me and nodded her head, giving me an approving smile. I returned it before turning away and scurried down the stairs.

  "Is she still set on working?" Toriel asked me when looked up from reading her book when she noticed me coming down. I sighed and flopped down on her couch.

  "She has determination, I can tell you that, but I'm concerned that she's not always using it in a healthy way..." I explained to her what I think the problem was. Toriel briefly tittered while she looked back at what she was reading expect to only look away again to look straight ahead as she said her next words.

  "She was an...interesting child. Normal kids would want to play always before work, but she would always want to help me out with whatever I was doing or maybe just do her homework first thing after she got home; of course, I made her and Asriel do their homework before they did anything else, but I would never have to tell Frisk, unlike my other child," Toriel giggled at her referencing Asriel's rebel behavior.

  "I just wish she'd learn to take breaks; working this much can't be good for her," I sighed. I started to bounce my left leg up and down from becoming impatient and a little annoyed by how stubborn Frisk was being right now. I couldn't be too annoyed, though; she was doing all this work for us and I was extremely grateful. It's also useful to note that I admire her determination.

  "Believe it or not, she kind of has to work as much as she does. They've been working her hard this month and she doesn't have much time to spare," Toriel told me in defense of Frisk's actions. Darn, so she wasn't just over working herself for no reason; I misjudged her.

  "That sucks. I wish I could help her..." I mumbled. I looked off to the side to look out the misty window. Suddenly an idea popped into my head that I can't believe I didn't think about before. Why don't I help her?, I thought. "Toriel, I've got an idea! I'll be back!" I beamed.

  I jumped up and made my way up the stairs. The last thing I heard he call to me before I entered Frisk's room was, "I don't suppose this idea has to do with anything inappropriate~". Oh, golly, I thought with a smile on my face. Lucky for me, I don't Frisk heard her because, when I entered Frisk's room, she was just normally sitting at her computer desk.

  When she heard me, she turned her roller chair around to meet me with a smile. "Did you want something, Sans?" she asked me with the same smile.

  "Actually, yes, I want to see if there's anyway I can help you" I stated. Her smile faded and turned into a frown. She dropped her head down.

  "N-no, you can't!" she quickly lifted her head without even looking at me and swiftly turned her chair around to be facing the computer, but by the look a on her face, I could tell she really wasn't focusing on her task.

  "Why is that?" I inquired from her. I didn't like how she was being right now but I wasn't gonna be rude about it.

   Frisk reluctantly turned to face me again. She looked at me, silently pleading me to let it go. When I wasn't, she dipped her head down before she quietly confessed, "'s just that...I don't know, It wouldn't feel right with getting you involved in all this, I feel like...I don't know, I guess it's just something I'd feel weird about". She still had her head down as she started to pick at her finger nails nervously.

  I approached her and keeled down to get to her level and lifted her head to meet my soft gaze. "You remember what we talked about last week?" I spoke in soft coo to make her more willing to let me help her. She nodded her head, still trying to advert her eyes from mine. "Remember how I said all of your friends would be than happy to help you with anything you need he-".

  "I don't nee-"

  "Yes you do!" I busted suddenly but still keeping my tone soft. I sighed and gave her an example of why she needed help by saying, "look at these dark circles under your eyes" I raised my hand up right under her eye but she reflexively closed her eyes and tensed. I caressed that part of her face with my thumb slowly and it seemed to soothe her enough for her tension to become loose again, but she was still look anywhere but me (mostly the ground). A sudden question came to mind, how long has it been since she has gone to bed?? "Hey, Frisk, when is the last time you slept?" I decided to ask her myself because I actually did really wanna know. She exhaled almost like an annoyed sigh and that made me sigh as well because that meant she wasn't gonna answer that either. "Frisk, please, I wanna help you, you need sleep and you need a break...going through this together will make both of us happier..." I pleaded with her, sounded more desperate than I was ever before.

  It was a long awkward silence between us before Frisk finally looked at me and after a few seconds, smiled. "Okay" she said quietly, like a child.


  After about an hour of helping her, she fell asleep on my shoulder and I was the one handling it all. I didn't mind, though; not at all, she needed sleep and I'm glad she could finally get some.

  I didn't notice it it right then but it was getting really late. When I checked the time, it read eleven thirty! Oh, Goodness, I thought. I was not going to stop working, though, I just simply needed to put Frisk on her bed. I figured Frisk wouldn't like sleeping in her normal, day clothes but I wasn't going to change her, I'm sure she'd like that even less, so I just put her on her bed and the only thing I took off were her shoes and socks before pulling the covers over and tucking her in with them. I went back to the computer to work but found myself turning the chair around to look at her. I wasn't going to dare deny that she was cute because she absolutely was with her head poking out of the covers and her soft face looking so peaceful. Watching her peaceful state ironically made me feel peaceful and calm.

  I watched her a while just like that before I breathed out and forced myself to turn away and focus on work. Are relationship may not be perfect yet, but we're learning and growing and I can't wait to see where it takes us!


(A\N: What a cheesy ending...oh well.

Dang, I was hoping I'd get this one out sooner but WAHHHHHH! Oh well, I got it out sooner than Yesterday! I could have gotten it out by six, but hen I had to cook, and, well, you know how that goes...

I felt like this chapter could have been told so much better with the concept of "comfort". A lot better. Oh well, It's not bad.

Btw, I feel like today's chapter and yesterdays should've been swapped, I don't know about you XDD. Goodbye, my little reed blossoms; have a BReasy day!!♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ).

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