Day Five: Special Event

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(A\N: Wow, this is a first. There's a first time for everything, right? Anyway, I made this note first because, in case anyone didn't know, the chapters before are all a part of one story, including this chapter. Though you'll eventually figure out yourself this chapter takes place a while in the future.)  

  This was it. This was the day Sans was getting prepared for, for the last months. He's more nervous than he should be. It was only Frisk, his best friend, and his girlfriend he's had for a little over three years, there's no reason he should feel this way. Or should he?

  "Sans? You alright?" Frisk's concerned voice broke him out of his distracted state as she put a hand on his and awaited an answer.

  "Yeah, yeah, m' fine" he assured her with a grin and a wink. She grinned back. Sans had been debating whether or not he should ask Frisk a very specific and important question, but, first, he had to ask himself whether he was ready. After thinking it over for a few days, he confirmed that he was, in fact, completely sure that he wanted this. The next question he had to ask himself was, was she ready for this? Did she want this? He couldn't know if she did as sure as he was that he did, but, that's why he was asking her; it was her choice and he would never know if he didn't ask.

  Frisk called Sans earlier today and asked if he and Papyrus could come over because no one was home and she was bored. Sans, of course, told her yes and asked Papyrus if did too. He immediately told Sans he did and, on top of that, told me it was the perfect time to ask her the big question. Sans was debating to whether Papyrus was right or not and decided he was ready and was going to do it.

  Right now, Sans and Frisk were sitting on the sofa as they were waiting for Papyrus get back from grocery shopping. Papyrus noticed the small amount of food they had in their refrigerators and the horrible lack of spaghetti they had in their cupboard and offered to go shopping for us. Frisk told him that he didn't need to but he wasn't having that. He'd been gone for at least forty minutes now and both Frisk and Sans were expecting him to come back anytime soon.

~Sans' P.O.V~

  "Hey, Sans, are you bored?" Frisk asked me suddenly. I was starting to drift off to sleep but her voice awoke me, almost startling me in the process

  "Nah, Nah, I'm fine. I like sitting down and doing nothing. It's the life. I'm just waiting for Paps to get back so I can eat. I'm starved over here" I told her with my eyes still closed.

  "Well," I heard Frisk utter a sound of slightly struggling to lift herself up before I abruptly felt pressure on my left shoulder and a gentle one on my cheek. I opened my eye sockets and was only slightly startled to see Frisk above me with her knees on either side of my lap and a hand on my shoulder to hold herself up while the other one was on my cheek. She smiled at me smugly, though I could still sense sweetness in her look. "I'm starving pretty bad over here, too, but I don't think my hunger is the same as yours~" she flirted. Ooo, she's in a flirty mode today, ah? I can work with that. Her flirt wasn't exactly original, but it'll have to do.

  "Whew, Frisk, turn down the heat! It's getting hot in here!" I exaggerated so much that it was obvious I was being teasingly sarcastic. I made a waving motion with my hand like I was trying to cool down myself from the "heat" while I said that.

  She giggled shortly before responding with, "and who said "the heat" was a bad thing, hm?".

  "Frisk, if you continue, I'm afraid this conversation will turn into action rather than just talk" I advised her playfully. Of course, it was a joke but I tried to keep my tone and face from showing that. It didn't intimidate her in the least bit; she knows me too well.

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