Day Seven: Valentine's

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  Sans and I had just come back from having a nearly all day Valentine's date and it was seven thirty P.M. by the time we got back.

  "OH, THANK HEAVENS, YOU TWO ARE BACK!" Papyrus cried in relief after he sprinted to us and knelt down with his hands clasped. "YOUR DESPICABLE DAUGHTER, ELYS, GOT INTO MORE SHENANIGANS AND I ALMOST LOST HER!" Papyrus cried. 

  "Elys, what did I tell about torturing your uncle while he's babysitting you?" Sans asked her with a raised brow when he noticed her sneaking up behind Papyrus. Elys immediately stopped and stuffed her hands in her pocket with a huff.

  "Hey, Elys! Maybe we should turn that energy into something more productive, like cooking!" I suggested. Elys faced me curiously and struggled.

  "Yeah, why not?" she sighed. I smiled at lifted my gaze to our other child, Arno. Sans and I were lucky to have yet another child.

  "How about you, Arno?" I asked him. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

  "Nu way!" he refused, "I'm not gonna do gwuls wook!".

  "Aw, Arno! Boys should learn to cook, too!" I told him.

  "If I'm gonna cook, you gonna do it with me" she demanded Arno. Arno frowned and followed us into the kitchen anyway. Arno has always kinda had a soft spot for his older sister and often is upset when she is disappointed in him and almost always does what she says.

  I thought making a chocolate cake would be a wonderful way to end this Valentine and be a good 'thank you' to Papyrus for babysitting the children while we were gone. Papyrus has been so helpful.


  After a while of mixing, stirring, and baking, the cake was finished and we called both Sans and Papyrus to come to eat it. They instantly stopped talking and scurried into the kitchen for a bite, and that, they had.

  After everyone was full of cake and was tired, Papyrus politely left and I told all the children to get ready for bed. They listened but with a grumble; they never liked it when they had to sleep.

 Sans and I stayed up, however, because, neither of us was quite ready to end the day just like that; we wanted to spend this special day a little longer than we already had.

  I was in a fetal position, laying my head lazily on Sans' shoulder with a blue blanket over me that Sans and I were sharing. I had an extra pink blanket over me as well. We were watching a quiet movie about sci-fi and adventure (our favorite genres mixed together) though, it was very hard to find one in that genre that wasn't loud and booming, but, somehow Sans managed to find one.

  During the movie, I found myself glancing at Sans every now and then. He was completely absorbed in the movie but not enough to not remember that I was here because he had an arm around me while the hand of that arm, gently rubbed my arm during the entire time we were watching it.

  Sans eventually realized that I kept glancing at him because, one of those times, he met it. "You find my interest...interesting?" he asked me with a jesting, genuine smile. I grin awkwardly as I put my head back down to watch the movie.

  "Kinda" I admitted. "Also because I liked the way you look" I added. I turned my head to look back at him and saw that a proud grin was starting to take form on his face.

  "Could never find out what about me you found so attractive..." he murmured. I grinned; I was gonna let him know, then.

  "I like your neverending smile" I started to explain, "I just love the way it brightens up every room you walk into and makes everyone want to smile and be happy, too; I also love the way your white dots in your eyes glow and get even bright, depending on your mood; I love that. I love the way it somehow seems to look very genuine and interested whenever it looks at something and I love how emotion filled it looks, even when you're just being lazy. I love how short and cutely your body is structured-".

  "My body??" Sans interrupted, chortling, "hon, how can you find my body attractive if it's literally made of just bone??". I playfully punched him in the arm gently, wearing a sheepish grin.

  "I already told you!" I whined. "I. just. do." I reluctantly answered. "And, while we're on the subject, I also think you have a nice face shape!" I blurted out, trying to sound confident so I wouldn't appear like I was embarrassed at all about saying he's hot. Sans laughed even harder with an unexpected high-pitch tone. This made me surprised and made my eyes widened. When he calmed down a bit, that's when I realized the pride and bashfulness he was trying to hide behind his teasing and confident tone behavior.

  Sans put his arm around me and laid his head on mine. "If you say so..." he murmured. In the dark in the corner of my eye, I saw a light blue coming from Sans cheeks.

Gosh, I love this timeline.


(A\N: FINALLY! Done with Frans week! Okay, that sounded bad. I enjoyed writing this but I can't wait to start writing my Flowerfell fanfiction because I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS!! All I have to do is finish my Valentine's story (oof, I'm so late <o<) and I can relax and not always feel rushed with time! I can't wait to show ya'll what I got for my Flowerfell storyyyyyyy!! :DDD.

Fun fact: In Japan, it's a tradition for the girl to give the guy chocolates treats (like a chocolate cake, for example) and, well, Frisk is Japanese in my headcanon :3.

One more thing, I don't know much about Elys or Arno so I probably got their personalities way off. Please forgive me. Goodbye, my little reed blossoms; have a BReasy day!!♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ).

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