The Lay Crusader

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When vile creatures from the graveyard clamour,

For the souls of politicians, devoid of amour.

When Life seeks its triumph from the womb.

They smile like serpents, their mouths at full bloom.

Too long have charlatans peddled their tales,

Too long false bards wail and flail.

For the demise of all that is good and true,

For the advent of a dystopia, evil, through and through.

Where are the voices of Life's so called defenders?

The gold, white and red, cross-draped crusaders?

Where are her bearers, her pages and soldiers?

They have wallowed in Sin, and have stooped so low,

To bathe in Mammon's blood, and drink the Devil's flow.

So much so they are now even worse than slough.

Only a voice cries alone, for God deigned it to be,

A reluctant repentant, a rough diamond.

Will he lead whatever is left of his flock,

From the brink of falling against the rocks?

To be Life's champion, and defender of the faith.

For all Her champions have wallowed in filth.

On the Spur of the MomentUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum