The Frost King and the Snow Queen

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The Snow Queen

For once,
The frightful blast of the roaring blizzard,
Is numb to all my senses.

For once,
The deafening wind
is music to my ears.

For once,
The turmoil of the storm, serenaded the distress of my soul,
Striving to break free from the cage,
Of loneliness and cold.

Ah, but still despite this numbness of my soul,
One sound, one utter, is not numbed at all.
Indeed, at the pit of my sadness it still sings,
As at the height of my gladness, it rings.

Since the flower of my youth, since the dawn of my birth,
I still hear it lulling me to sleep.
Though a tuft of silver grey, once i recall,
Is but a blur that I see nevermore.

Oh! But why dwell on petty simple sighs,
When all but my loved ones have deserted me nigh,
When all but the snow ceases to be my companion,

At least, at least the frost seems not to bite me,
The benign blue frost has always shrouded my hand,

Yet never biting me...

As if protecting me, shielding me,

Holding me...

The Frost King

Oh that her eyes may behold
what the unseen can see,
Oh that her ears may drink
what the unseen have heard.
Oh that her sweet sad smile
doth break this frozen core,
Oh that I would caress her bleeding heart,
so sore.

Sore with the spears
and the sword that issue,
From tongues whose heads
have no more than grey tissue
And lacking to see the beauty of her power,
Derile her a witch, and with hearts that are sour!
With envy, pierce her heart of rose,
And leave to die in the frigid snow.

Ah! If she only knew,
That right in front of her,
Is a being far less of power than her.
Forsooth, she is a Queen,
And I, a Guardian.
Separated by duty,
Yet sharing the same woe,
That we may be accepted,
And loved...

The Snow Queen

Perhaps on day I would find,
That love is a budding rose,
Waiting for the right weather and sunshine,
To bloom into glorious crimson fine.

The Frost King

To believe that the budding rose,
Is love that you may find,
To believe that the right sunshine,
Will set it into crimson fine,
My Snow Queen,
You have but to believe that is was always there,
Like the frost lingering on your hand,
You have but to believe....

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