Silhouettes in a Bar

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Silhouettes in bar,
with reggae music wafting,
through her raven black hair, strewn with stars,
around her bronze skin playing;
amongst the highlights, red lights,
and candlelight's
She's silently working.

Noiselessly, she flits among the glasses,
Flower among the deflowered.
Fain none other creature fair as Thee,
Raven haired Angel,
amongst daytime darkness,
amongst the twilight, turquoise and neon.

Purest lily amongst the thorns,
let me tell you thus,
humbly my mouth canst utter, tho' mud may splash and smear thy face
and thorns prick your virgin flesh
there you are
still a Lily
flitting about amongst the alcoholic nectar
earning thy bread and butter.

May God bless thee,
Raven haired angel
Though they call thee barmaid,

I call thee Angel,
I name thee Lily,

who silently works in His Eyes,
amongst the red neon and candlelights,
and silhouettes in a bar.

Artwork: The Barmaid, ALAN LOWNDES (1953)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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