Desert Flower

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A spoken word verse

In you,

I see myself, raw and rough,

in the smoothness of glass,

against the reflection of your eyes of red hazelnut.

In you,

I see my woman,

my flower.

Worn, weathered, standing lonely in the arid desert.

I see my pain, my sorrow, my sin,

my longing.

In you,

I, a lone wanderer,

see peace.

I see my soul, wounded by war,

Bruised by careless hands,

nestled against your bosom,

warm and safe.

In you, I see my life,

My hope, my all, and my forever.

May my life like a flower,

be planted beside you.

That we together be,

Worn, weathered, standing lonely in the arid desert.

Making love in the acrid soil,

To create paradise where hope is lost.

May I be a flower beside you,

my flower.

That our souls,

wounded by war,

Bruised by careless hands,

Weary in the desert,

are nestled against each other,

warm and safe.

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